Pink the Demon

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Here is what she looks like hand-drawn:

(Ignore the other hand she's supposed to be wearing gloves)

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(Ignore the other hand she's supposed to be wearing gloves)

I also forgot her bandage over her Diamond mark on her left cheek just pretend it's there :>


Old name:
Lucille (Lucy) Amedith Maridor
- Hates being called Lucy cuz it's her old name

- Pinky
- Cotton Candy
- Bubblegum
- Gumball
- Gumdrop


2,000 years old but 15 in human years (cuz she's technically dead but her friends don't know that yet)

Female (She/they)


Demon (dead but somewhat alive still)

- Assassin
- Trickster
- Therapist (for people with mental disorders or who just need advice)
- Spy (carries out missions in different dimensions to keep timelines in place)
- Demon Queen

- Shapeshifting (not into large objects like air planes but can change parts of her body like her hands into other stuff like keys or into other people)
- Psychic powers (can lift up people or objects and make them do her bidding) the color is a light teal color
-  Basically everything a demon can do
- Even more powerful when down in the underworld (can transform into a monster thing and I'll probably draw that later)
- Can burst into flames when mad (magenta flames)
- Can summon a dark magenta Scythe in battle and can reap souls for her dad

Where she lives:
- Most of the time she's in the TMNT 2012 world but leaves to do missions/her job

- Mickey from TMNT 2012 (don't judge me ;-; )

- Cool
- Confident
- Nice
- Can be a bit of a jokester
- Easy-going
- Kinda weird
- Easily worried (idk how to say it another way)
- Over protective

- Plays the bass (can also summon it at will and it looks like a little demon)
- Can show off in front of others to impress people
- Surprisingly not that shy in front of her crush (can be a bit flirty but sometimes is a little awkward, it just depends on how she's feeling that day)
- Floats/hovers when happy or at will (sometimes without using her wings)
- Fast learner (that's why she's out of school)
- Likes making up song lyrics on the spot
- Hates her birthday because she died on her birthday (she was only 1o when she died)

Voice (talking and singing):
Marceline the Vampire Queen (Adventure Time)

- Adopted dad who barely remembers her (will make him later)
- Adopted trans sister (will also make her later and her name is Electra btw)

- Going on missions
- Jokes
- Her friends (and crush)
- Playing and watching video games
- Making songs and humming
- Anime
- Horror movies/houses (so she can make fun of them)
- Scaring people when she can get intimidating (she thinks it's funny how humans scream when they get scared)

- Seeing friends hurt
- Rude/perverted people getting in her way or trying to hurt her friends
- Bad food
- Plots in storylines that are too confusing
- The time she died... (her birthday: October 15)

- When she died, she made a deal with her dad so she can try and get his memories back. Many years later (she's 2,000 years old but 15 in human years), when she gets a mission to help Lily get back to her sisters, she meets the TMNT's and Amber (fnaf_sb_fan374's OC). She eventually gets Lily back to her sisters and they tell her that their families are somehow connected but they don't know why or how. Then she decides to stay with Amber and her new friends in the city to try and get more information of her dad's life...
- In this AU, it's rare for demons to kind of remember their past life but for some reason Pink remembers memories of her and her dad but later on realizes that her dad barely remembers who she is but has a strong bond or some sort of connection to her.

And that's kinda it about her. I might add more idk :/

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