Yet another Andy's Apple Farm OC (Oakley the Owl)

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Name:- Oakley

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- Oakley

- Oak
- Nightowl (teasing)
- Ms. Owl (from Felix)

Full name:
- Oakley the Owl

Agender (they/she)

Greyromantic (Aromantic umbrella term)

46-47 yrs

Voice claim:
- Pearl from Steven Universe

-  Oakley is calm and collected. She has a wide array of information and she's a very knowledgeable person who's willing to share information with others. Like Harlen, she's neat and prefers to keep things in an orderly fashion. If her planned schedule is messed up, she will do everything to keep things in check. She can get lost in a book which is what drew her to become a librarian.

- Calming atmospheres
- Educating others (very informative & insightful)
- Tea (herbal or other kinds of tea)
- Books
- Poetry & writing

- Books being disorganized
- Little things ruining their day (ex: tea spilling, a shelf breaks, etc)
- Flashing lights (people can mess with the lights in the library which makes her irritated)
- Interruptions

- Barn Owl 

- Loud noises
- Approaching deadlines (from her high school/college years)

- Librarian/mentor

Relationship status:
Single but somewhat happy

- None

- None

Important facts:
- Her feathers fluff up when she's mad or shocked
- Coffee makes her jittery and uneasy so she likes tea instead

Backstory (in game):
- Oakley's role is similar to the TV Show AU. She gives the player (Andy) advice and leads them to the right direction.

Backstory (in my TV Show AU):
- Oakley is a librarian just outside of the farm. Her role is to educate and give advice to the other characters like a mentor/teacher. She's tried relationships in the past and didn't think it made her happy, so she accepted this about herself and moved on.

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