Crystal the mouse (The Cuphead Show OC)

28 2 7

"Hello starlight~"

- Crystal Shimmer

- Ms. Mousey (Cuphead and Mugman)
- Lil' Sweetie (Elder Kettle) (!not in a weird way! >:( )

Nicknames for the cupbros or anyone:
- Starlight (Anyone but mainly Werner)
- Lil' Cuppy (Cuphead)
- Sweet Mugs (Mugman)
- Sir (Elder Kettle)
- Little comet (Your OC)

- Female (She/her)

- Straight ally

Idk 30 or so?? (Around the same age as Werner, maybe a bit younger)

- Updated yet again: White Diamond (Steven Universe)

- Sweet
- Somewhat blunt and honest, but caring
- Curious
- Independent
- Easily flustered
- Has somewhat of a bad temper

- Science (she's fascinated by things exploding)
- Cooking
- Studying
- Winning arguments
- The cup brothers (thinks of them as her own kids despite her small size)
- Astrology
- Stars & galaxies

- When she can't get her point across
- Being cold
- Mean people

- Werner Werman (cuz why not— :>)

- White albino mouse

- Deep water
- Getting captured

- None yet (but took care of her siblings and house)

Relationship status:
Single (for now in rp)

- Updated: Her necklace gives her the power of attack and defense mode.
- Basically whenever she needs to be protected, both of her eyes turn blue and so does the necklace. It summons a bubble around her and whatever surface it touches, it cannot be moved by no one else but herself. When she needs to attack, her eyes become red and so does her necklace. The necklace can summon a spear so she can attack and defend herself.

- She was taught how to cook and be independent since her mother passed away in the winter when she was a little kid. She's been independent and hardworking ever since then. She had to help raise her 4 siblings on her own with her goofy but reliable father.

Important facts:
- A hopeless romantic
- Has a red eye (left) and blue eye (right)
- Not afraid to stand up for herself
- Will not hesitate to throw hands (when someone threatens her, the cup brothers, or Werner)
- Has a special necklace that her mother gave to her

Updated: Oh and looks:

Rayman4Smash1 Marvel_GOTG_3829

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