Eddies Earwax Extravaganza

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Y/n wakes up in her bedroom noticing a small slipper. She skips down the stairs and hears a distant, questioning yippee. Y/N uses echolocation to locate the source of the yip. Her sonar waves ricochet off the red headed small pillar, the force chucks him to the floor. However he beat the waves to the floor then dropped it almost as though it was hot.

Y/N round off back handsprings toward Eddie picking him up off the floor. "Eddie weddie are you ready for the campfire with my parents tonight?" Y/N asks. Eddie replies, "no." Y/N is hornswaggled as eddie guzzles down his dole whip. "Why not Mr. Pumpkin Pouch?" Y/N questions. "I have a bad... history with parents." Eddie explains. "Can I ask you why my little fiddly fart?" Y/N  interrogates. "Well I may have bitten off 3.25 of my mothers toes. Please don't ask what one's." Tedward Edward Christopher Keeraan explains.

"It was the pinkies wasn't it?"

Eddie paws at the floor, "kinda."

Eddie regurgitates his dole whip and boogies around it. On top of the dole whip lays 3.2999 toes. He scrambled up to it, pulling a magnifying glass out of his right pocket. He coughs up a raspberry and gives it to Y/N, "keep the change!" He exclaims. As he's inspecting the toes Eddie wiggles in clarity, "yep. These ones are my mothers. We'd better return them." Y/N grabs orange glitter nail polish and a baggie. "So they look nice," she clarifies.  He nods enthusiastically.

As they were walking down the street to good ol mama kerraans house, Eddie loses grip of the baggied toes. The bag of toes goes flying into a sewer grate. Eddie immediately liquifies into orange juice and chases after his birth givers dogs. Y/N is sitting on the curb awaiting his return when suddenly the one and only Eddie rumbles towards her with a baggie hanging from his mouth. "Got 'em soul sister!" He yipples.

Once they arrived at the scene, Tedward leaped and punched the doorbell, shattering it. The electric blue house creaked at the sheer pressure of his punch. "WWE SMACK DOWN" he shouted. Just as the words escaped his mouth his mother quietly opened the door. "Oh hello my dears. Eddie, are those my toes? Have brought them back to me, after all these years? Please come in." Eddie crab walks inside. "Tedward," his mother mother warned, "what have I told you about crab walking?" Eddie coffee grinds, "sorry mother." Eddie's mother hands us a plate of vibrant blue cookies, one cookie is orange. "I remembered how you would only ever eat orange foods Eddie, this one is for you" his mother explains. "Mama" eddie squeals in excitement.

After a couple cookies and some carrot juice, they say their goodbyes, "goodbye blueberry pies!" Mama teddy exclaims. "MOM," Eddie gargles as he marched up directly beside mothers cochlear (he grabbed two step stools and stacked them to reach her), "I've told 6 times before, I'm a pumpkin pie." "7th times the charm!" She says back.

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