A Night To Remember

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We decided to have a movie night that night, I sat next to Pj on one coach, and Kyle and Baylen sat together on a separate coach.

As soon as we started watching Star Wars III, I got up to put out more popcorn for everyone.

"Kyle please admit Luke is a bitch like come on Anikan is such a Badass they don't even compare,"

Baylen really likes Anikan so I've learned over the past couple of hours "Kyle you got to admit it,"

Peej also starts to pressure kyle as I pull out the popcorn and dump it into the two bowls for each pair.

"Ever, what do you think? Luke or Anikian whose better?"

I laugh before talking "Well Definitely Anikian, Luke complains about everything and almost always gets his ass beat, I swear to god that boy complains twenty-four-seven,"

I walk over and hand Kyle a bowl then put it on next to PJ, then sit back down "See Kyle I told you Lukes a bitch," He just shakes his head "Just play the movie dumbass,"

Halfway through I pull out my phone and start to snap people back "Can I take a picture with you please,"

I nod and turn my flash on and put my head on his shoulder smiling while he sticks his tongue out trying to touch my forehead

I save it to my memories before group snapping everyone else "Here let me put my snap on your phone,"

I hand him my phone as he adds himself and I just observe his features, He has an amazing smile

"Here," he pushes the phone back into my lap and I lean my head on his shoulder to watch the movie. About thirty minutes later Baylen just shuts up off

"Guys I'm bored, let's go to Walmart,"

We all gather up in PJs minivan then head out, on the ride Baylen only played Yachty and they all were screaming, I just laughed and sang along before we pulled up to the store

"Oh my god, let's go connect to speakers, Please, please," Baylen begs everyone even though no one is saying no to it, we walk over to the speakers and everyone connects to all that they can.

"Okay PJ and Ever be a couple so they don't think anything of it then I and kyle will look at the TVs,"

Baylen starts it off by having his speaker go to pirate calls, and I and peej just look at anything but over there

"Hey excuse me," a worker comes up to us while Peej wraps an arm around my waist "I'm sorry to bug but have you two seen anything with anyone and speakers,"

I look over at Peej who shakes his head me doing the same

"I mean I want to say yes, but I haven't," She just smiles and nods before turning away, Just then they switched to Kyle's phone and played moans, Peej let out a small laugh before pulling me to a different aisle.

"We didnt do anything though, You can't kick us out for looking at TVs!" I turned to see Baylen and Kyle getting escorted, i wasn't having it

"Hold on sir what's the problem here, I'm a lawyer, and I'm sure I know their rights way better than yours so, please enlighten me on what they did,"

"Well we are to believe they are connecting to speakers and playing inappropriate music and sounds," The guard informed, I hummed then turned to them

"So you believe but your not sure, You know we've been very well paying customers and since this is how you treat us ill be sure to inform my connections,"

"These days you can't look at anything without being accused of doing something else I assume," I guard looks at me before walking away letting Baylen and Kyle go and they smile at me

"That was awesome!" he got louder with every word as i just smiled

"Oh my god Everest that was amazing," Kyle fangirled while Peej Wrapped his arm around my shoulder, I smiled at all of them

"You were amazing when you talked like you were a pro at being a lawyer, I just couldn't," Baylen announced it like he was a proud dad

I look over at Peej who was just smiling at me as we turn to walk out "What? Is there something on my face?" He just smiles even more "No, no your just really pretty,"

I just laugh and nudge into him while walking to the car "You know I'm glad I meant you guys," he smiles and asks "Oh yeah, whys that?" I laugh before saying "Cause I wouldn't get to use my lawyer skills you know,"

He shakes his head as we hop into the car, I buckle in as Kyle starts to drive back to my house, I fell asleep on the way home and got waken up when Peej shocked me awake "Peej can I just have a piggie back," He nods and I hop on, he takes me to the guest room where I just lay down.

"You gotta brush your teeth and change Evi," I nod but i didnt move, he pulls me back onto his back then brings me to the bathroom and sets me down. I grab my toothbrush and paste and finish brushing my teeth.

I go to my room and grab clothes to change into while Baylen showered, after I just threw my hair up and walked back to see Peej shirtless in bed scrolling through his phone

"Hey is it okay if I just sleep in here tonight?" he lifts up the other side of the bedsheets and invited me in, I get under and snuggle up into his side "I can't believe you have to leave tomorrow, I don't think I want you to," he ran his hands through my hair

"Yeah but I was wondering, if well you see, I was thinking, that if you wan-" I chuckle and look up "Yes I would love to go on a date with you," He smiles and nods

"Okay I'm planning it okay, we have until 7 tomorrow that's when we plan to drive out," I nod and just lean my head onto his bare chest

"I'm really glad I meant you guys," he looks down at me with a smile "Yeah? Whys that," i look down and trace his chest as i almost fall asleep "Cause i think i just meant my new best friends,"

As i fall asleep i heard a faint "Good night Everest," And then he turned the lights off and followed me in a state of sleep

Authors Note- Okay so new update!! just wondering what you guys think! i want them to have a couple of moments before they actually date, but this is where i would love to hear from you guys!

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Authors Note- Okay so new update!! just wondering what you guys think! i want them to have a couple of moments before they actually date, but this is where i would love to hear from you guys!

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