The Trip

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As we pull up into a store to get some random food, "Oh my gosh there's a scale," Kyle is the first to hop on it them peej goes, "The scale went all the way back, god damn,"

Baylen went and got 146, "Damn i've gained 6 pounds since working out with yachty," i laugh before getting interrupted by an older woman "Oh what you going to videotape me too?"

She steps on and we just look at each other not totally sure what to do "Wow 80 pounds you win!" Baylen says kinda awkwardly, "Yeah what do I win? I bet this girl could get less then me, she doesn't even eat,"

I just look at my feet picking at my hands as she walks into the shopping center, "Alright what if we just go, i'm getting hungry," Kyle says, as we walked out we found pool noodles

"Ah captain, would you like to battle me eh?" Baylen says to Kyle, Kyle whips out a noodle from the box as well "Rrrr you sure you want to do this good fellow," me and peej are laugh as they start their dual

The older woman comes back and runs in between us with her cart "I'm done with this guys stop, go eat a burger or something," i just laugh at her then we start walking to our car

"Wanna go to the beach?" i nod and smile before hopping in, "Wait i got to change into my swimsuit," The boys go to a gas station and i run in to change, As i come out i see Baylen buying snacks for everyone

"Oh Baylen how much for mine i can pay you back really quick," He smiles and waves me off "Don't worry you already do enough, you don't need to pay," I nod but still confused on what he means

I go back to the car, but get pulled onto Peejs lap before going to my seat. "You are so pretty bubs, i love you," i smile and peck his nose, "And i to you babe," I go over to my seat before Baylen comes back and we take off


As we get to the beach the boys take this huge speaker from the trunk and drag it all the way over, "So what are you guys doing with that?" they all three smile at each other then look back to me

"Just watch, it's a perfect prank," As my feet hit the sand the boys turn the opposite directions dn place the speaker next to an elderly couple and play moans, The man got up to look around but the boys were already by my side

The old man started to laugh, "Sorry sorry that's mine i forgot where it was," Baylen went up and grabbed it while laughing "It was a good prank man, Very funny" The old man was surprisingly very kind

After awhile we decided to stop pranking and have some fun, We start with swimming and then now right at this moment i'm on Peejs back and we are taking instagram pictures

Im smiling and looking down at Peej, and he's doing the same right back at me, "Okay give me a few different poses then we will be done," ofcourse it was Baylens idea to start doing pictures for Peej because he seems to never wanna

Peejs sets me down and we change to a pose where my arms are around his neck and his around my waist while smiling, After that we decided to go eat, Me and peej connect hands while walking down the sidewalk

"What about one of the restaurants by the peer, i bet they have good food," I suggest while they all nod. "Hey peej i have a question," He looks at me and nods to go on

"If we could go anywhere, at any time, where would you go?" He takes a deep breath in while thinking "Well maybe iceland, i think it looks really cool so i mean it should be fun,"

I smile while jumping up and down "Oh my god me too me too! I've always wanted to go since i was a little kid," He looks at me with a small smirk at my excitement, we walk into the restaurant getting a table for four

"I think we can go to the house after this, i dont know about you guys but i'm tired,"

authors note - sorry for the short chapter! i had a volleyball tournament and i was caught up with that and school!

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authors note - sorry for the short chapter! i had a volleyball tournament and i was caught up with that and school!

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