Hands and a glass of water

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🌹 Your POV 🌹

I can't sleep. It's one of those nights tonight. You know, the sleepless kind? Yeah.. it's that type.
Fortunately, I don't have work tomorrow..? Today? I'm not sure, but it doesn't matter. What matters is that I don't have work, and I can just stay at home and do whatever instead.
Currently it is around 2:00 AM, so I've been awake for quite a while now.

"What could I do to tire myself out a bit?..... Hmmmmm... I guess I could read something? Or watch some videos on YouTube till I feel tired?...
Hmmm.. no, I don't want to do any of that.."

It took me about 10 minutes to find something I could do to tire myself out without moving too much. The thought struck me after said while. I don't know why it took me 10 minutes to think of something so basic, but...

"Maybe I should just... Check if I got any new messages?... Yeah, I'll do that. Maybe someone could chat with me for a little bit too, though I highly doubt it... I mean, it is late."

As I was thinking about that, I picked up my phone to see if I got any new messages. Of course, I saw something was up in the two groups I got added to, but there was something I... Didn't expect to see...

You got 3 new messages from 'Hand fucker'!

You got a friend request from 'Hand fucker'
Decline? X

"Huh? Why'd Kira send me a message? He's the last person I would ever expect to do that... Well, I guess I should reply."

Accept ✓
Decline X


🍡 Gappy's POV 🍡

"We just met... Why can't I stop thinking about her... I didn't even meet her in real life, we only talked online. This is so weird... This only used to happen when Yasuho and I were in middle school."

I was trying to fall asleep, but I couldn't. I can't stop thinking about (Y/N)... We barely know eachother, and yet I already like her. I literally just know that she likes 'Soft and Wet' by Prince...

"I'll go get myself some water. Maybe it'll help a bit."

I went out of my room as quietly as I could and down into the kitchen, as the floor underneath me creaked. Once I got into the kitchen I poured myself a glass of water, but-


"NonononONO! WHAT IF SOMEONE HEARD?! I CAN'T DEAL WITH ANYONE'S WRATH AT THIS MOMENT!! If someone did hear, I just hope it was either Jonathan or Josuke..."

My prayers were kinda fulfilled. The only person I woke up was Josuke, who was sleeping on the couch with his Police officer uniform and his hair down. Which I am thankful for, it would be a nightmare if Jotaro woke up... Or Johnny, but he can't really do much about it, as he is... Well, disabled.

"What are you doing?!" Whisper-yelled my twin brother at me with a tired undertone.

"I couldn't sleep, so I came to the kitchen to get a glass of water.. and uhhh... The glass slipped out of.. my uh, hand... Sorry I woke you up, bro." I replied to him, softly.

Digital Love // JJBA x Reader textfic //Where stories live. Discover now