It's a Date!

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Tuesday and Wednesday passed with a minor incident, though Edd was quiet and mopey each day. Kevin didn't come over for a homework session on Tuesday, much to Edd's relief. Kevin made the excuse that his mother had scheduled his dentist appointment that afternoon. Kevin approached Edd while the more petite boy was at his locker before classes started. He leaned against the locker next to Edd's and smiled at him.

"Hey, Double D," he drawled, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "I forgot to tell you that I have a dentist appointment this afternoon, so I can't make it over to your house."

Edd darted his eyes at Kevin, and he smiled a little nervously, "Oh, that is all right, Kevin. I understand."

"You gonna miss me?"

"Beg your pardon?"

Kevin shrugged, "Well, it almost seems like I've become a permanent figure in your house. Won't it be weird if I'm not there?"

"Um, yes, I am sure it will," Edd said shakily, turning his attention back to his locker to retrieve the books for his first class.

"We'll make up for it tomorrow."

"Yes, we will," Edd said, now turning his eyes more directly at Kevin, as opposed to his quick sidelong glance before. Kevin noticed how red the boys' eyes looked and wondered if Edd had been crying.

"You okay, Double D?" Kevin asked, concerned.

"Yes, Kevin, I am fine."

"Your eyes are a little red. You don't have allergies, do you?"

"No, no, nothing like that. I, um, had trouble sleeping last night."

The last warning bell rang, and both boys said their goodbyes, with Kevin urging Edd to get more rest before they went their separate ways.


With the geometry exam coming up on Monday, Kevin and Edd spent Thursday studying his geometry notes, which they augmented by additional items in Edd's neat and compact writing. The unit was complete, so the homework reviewed the entire chapter, giving the class ample time to study.

Wednesday's study session had been a gloomy affair, with Edd barely saying a word other than what Kevin required of him for the tutoring. Thursday was no different. Edd doodled on his paper as he stared down at his history book. Kevin watched, being as covert as possible, but he knew Edd wasn't paying any attention to him. Edd never turned the page of his book in the entire hour that they worked, so Kevin knew he wasn't reading it.

"Are you sure you're okay, Double D?"

His voice startled Edd, who jerked up as if from a daze. "Okay?"

"Yeah, you seem kinda down."

"Oh, no, I am all right," Edd responded slowly, then decided to trust Kevin, just a little due to the circumstances. He certainly wasn't going to tell Kevin everything. "I think, I guess, I think I realized some things about myself, and I am still trying to process them."

'Interesting,' Kevin thought. 'I wonder what he's realized? I haven't exactly come on to him, but I have flirted a little. Does he like boys too? That's probably just wishful thinking on my part. Hoping for something isn't going to make it so.' Aloud, Kevin asked, "Anything I can help with?"

"No, thank you, Kevin. It is something I need to work out for myself. I do appreciate your concern."

Kevin put on that crooked smile and closed his eyes halfway, "Anytime, man. I'm always here for you if you need me."

The way Kevin said that and the way Kevin looked at him made Edd's heart speed up, which was, to him, further proof of his attraction to the other teen. Edd tried to respond, but his mouth had gone dry. He cleared his throat and managed a faint, "Thank you."

For Edd, I Will (KevEdd)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz