You Make Me So Happy

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Edd arrived at almost the exact time he had estimated, only a few minutes after Kevin returned from Eddy's house. He didn't tell Edd where he had been, and after only a brief kiss, Edd started Kevin in on prepping for the meal Edd had planned. Kevin found himself mixing cupcake batter within a few minutes of Edd's arrival. He thought he might have a little time to love on Edd once those were in the oven, but Edd had him cleaning and peeling potatoes as the cupcakes baked. The cupcakes finished almost at the same time that Kevin had spent the potatoes.

While Kevin had been preparing everything, Edd sat at the breakfast bar with his chemistry book open, taking notes and working on an assignment, even as he watched and instructed Kevin. Kevin was thoroughly amused at this and cheerfully followed all of Edd's directions with a smile. It turned out to be fun, and he was proud of himself, as everything seemed to be coming out all right.

As the cupcakes cooled, Edd had him mix up a frosting, which he put in the fridge for later, then he had to chop lettuce and veggies for the salad Edd wanted him to make. Kevin hoped to steal a few moments alone to at least properly kiss his boyfriend, but Edd had him start on the main dish when that was all done. For this, Edd left his homework and helped Kevin with the chicken as he had to show Kevin what he had to do physically.

Kevin grinned at Edd as he ran his arm across his forehead. "That was pretty easy. I pictured something near impossible to make when you said Chicken Cordon Bleu. Sounded fancy," he said, putting the cutting board, knives, and tenderizer into the dishwasher.

"I mostly make simple things, Kevin," Edd told him, going around the breakfast bar to perch himself on one of the stools.

Kevin had to sigh as he watched Edd's attention become absorbed with his chemistry after reminding Kevin absently to take care of the side dish. Kevin put the peeled potatoes in a pot of water on the stove and turned it on to have them boil, adding salt as Edd suggested. He returned to the counter and frosted the two dozen cupcakes that had cooled. They were chocolate with chocolate chips, and Kevin had made a simple buttercream frosting that Kevin kept sampling when Edd wasn't looking. He just used a knife to spread the frosting on because he firmly told Edd he wasn't up to learning to use a pastry bag today.

Kevin put the last cupcake on the platter and turned to put the rest of the dirty bowls and utensils into the dishwasher. The potatoes were boiling away, but he knew they weren't done yet. Edd's focus was on his book, and Kevin realized that there wasn't anything to do at that minute. He took in a deep sniff and had to admit the dinner smelled terrific. Kevin couldn't believe he had done that. He turned his head and looked at Edd, bent over his book and biting his lower lip, his tongue poking through the gap in his teeth. 'Alright," he thought, "on to important things.'

Kevin came around the breakfast bar quietly and grabbed Edd's arm, startling the boy. The barstools were the spinnable kind, and Kevin took advantage of that to spin Edd so that he faced him.

"Kevin!" Edd protested.

"Shh..." Kevin whispered, wedging himself between Edd's thighs and putting his hands on Edd's shoulders. He leaned down for a bit of kiss. "I finally get to kiss you, properly this time. I've been working hard enough to get a break and enjoy my five minutes before my Mom gets home."

Edd laughed, putting his arms around Kevin's waist. "All right, as your instructor, I grant you five minutes for your amusement."

"That's more like it," Kevin murmured and took full advantage of his break time.


Kevin's mother came in from the garage, which opened into the kitchen, and looked at the scene before her. Her son, in an apron, was tossing a salad in the salad bowl. Her son's boyfriend sat at the breakfast bar reading, and there was a heavenly smell that equaled the delicious smell she and Kevin's father had come home to the day before.

For Edd, I Will (KevEdd)Where stories live. Discover now