😔Wish We Never Did It 😣

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" Wassup yall it's Hot 97, I'm Ebro live and we got Trey Songz in the building. Say wassup to the fans at home trey"

" Yurr! Was Poppin yall its Trigga. " Trey said pulling his microphone closer to him and adjusting himself in his seat. He winked at the camera posing for all his adoring fans who he knew would be tuning in as they had been blowing up his phone all morning about his appearance.

" So the man of the hour, before we get started with the interview I would first just like to say congratulations on the new album. It's an overnight chart-topper, with so much variety. Can you tell us about what kind of success you're expecting off of this album and what or who inspired it" Ebro said putting emphasis on what could only be referring to the obvious social commotion about Trey's whirlwind breakup in the media

Trey knowingly avoided the question clearing his throat and preparing to give his best media training answer like his publicist suggested " Well first off thank you so much to my fans for making the album such a success. When I approached my team with this idea to put out another album, we kinda played with the idea and talked it over for a while. Historically speaking I have had great success with my albums in the past, so it's always a competition to try to create a new legacy with each project but when I entered a specific point in my life the inspiration just kind of flowed in. I really felt so motivated to get back in the studio and simply cultivate life sonically and I hope that's something that comes across in the album. "

" I respect that. I think it's so important for artists these days especially the icons like you, who have been in the game as long as you have, to bring back the importance of real music. So, man, I gave it a listen a few weeks back when I met you at the Iheart party and one thing I can say about this project is that it's gonna hit you differently each time. Like the amount of versatility that you brought is really touching, we got songs like Say Ahh that bring such flavor and fun to the work, and then slow iconic Trey sounds like Slow Motion. Tell me which song speaks to you the most"

" Well, the experience of creating these songs was different each night. Some nights I would have my homies in there and we were smoking up and Say Ahh's could be created. Just real fun type shit. Then the next we would have lights dimmed and I'd be stuck off in a booth long after everybody went home and slow motions were created but to answer your question I think the song that sticks out to me the most would have to be Can't Be Friends. That was one of those personal deep down songs that came out of some authentic times for me. I don't know..." He stammers on looking down at his twiddling fingers hiding a somber expression on his face.

Y/n and Trey were like Beyonce and Jay-Z. They just went together. Trey couldn't help but think of all the good times he'd had with Y/n but unfortunately, since the break up all communication had ceased besides the influx of shady tweets and public appearances y/n would make against him.

He couldn't and would never blame her for it, however. He was the one who stepped out on the relationship and she had to find out about It by it being plastered all over the shade room, tmz, and basically having the entire internet talk about it. That was a pain he never meant to put her in but with the world knowing and feeling entitled to conveying their opinions now, it was a pain he knew he couldn't take back. The break-up was very hard on Trey. He loved the ground she walked on but judging from the type of girl he knew her to be, y/n would be far gone by now.

" Can't be Friends is cutting. I had to step away from the track a few times there. Where was your head regarding that" Ebro said taking cues from Trey's expression that he was willing to open up about the scandal

" Man, To be real with you Ebro, I don't know where my head was at. I've made some.... well plenty of mistakes in the past and those mistakes have hurt people I really love and care about. Given that, I wanted to create a song about wanting to take it all back which is something we, unfortunately, know we can never do"

" Not to be disrespectful and cut me off if I'm crossing lines here but are you referring to you and y/n's relationship. Yall were steady for a minute there. Of course, we are only spectators to yalls relationships but those headlines were so unexpected. I just knew yall were going hand and hand to the grave " Trey winced hearing her name just like he had done every other time it had been mentioned since their split. Y/n however hadn't had half the trouble of mentioning his in the most painstakingly brutal ways. He'd tried to comfort himself by saying her words were simply out of being heartbroken herself but that never made them hurt any less. In fact, it hurt worse

" One thing for sure is that the love I shared and continue and will forever have for Y/n was 100% real I just wanna get that out first. We were the real thing you know. From that night at the Grammy's to the first time we performed together announcing our relationship to the world, I mean it was all so real. I remember everyone thinking it was a publicity stunt since Y/n had just debuted into the industry and shit. We got a laugh at how we could so easily manipulate the industry with outfit choices to insta posts to everything. We were really the relationship that kept people talking but of course as the career gets bigger so does the temptations. I fell victim to those temptations and she held on strong to me every time. Eventually, she couldn't hold on any longer and that's something I can't blame her for. She was my soulmate, my life, the literal reason I breathed. So to know that I hurt her. That I could break her like that, man I deserve everything that she says about me. When I say I wish I never fell so deep in love with you, now there ain't no way we can be friends. Like those lines are raw and real. It's just a certain point in heartbreak that you can't return from and unfortunately, I found that"

" That's some deep stuff man. I truly was heartbroken myself when I found out the news between yall. Yall were really endgame. "

" I think we'll always be endgame. Whether we link back up in this life or the next. She gone come back around and Ima do it better next time. And y/n if you're tuning in for whatever reason or if this somehow gets back to you I want you to understand that I love you. That I apologize for everything. That none of these bitches could ever compare and for sure never compete with you. the sex was never better than the love you gave me and if you could find it in your heart to forgive me, ill spend every waking moment of every single day proving that to you. But if not, just wait to the next lifetime cause Im'a remember our connection and just know I'm coming for you babygirl"

" That's dope, I'm so glad you can learn from those mistakes and I wish the best of luck between yall.. and also the best of luck on this album man. Everybody give it up for trigga" He says to the crowd of people standing in the booth

" Once again congratulations on the album and thank you for stopping by, it's always a pleasure to have you, and hopefully next time we can do a happier segment. You have so many reasons to celebrate right now so keep your head up and legs closed man. You gone get yo girl back"

" I appreciate it man truly, aight man ima head out before I break yo tech with my tears. See yall folk next time, and remember stream my shit man. Yurr"

( Sorry yall This was so sappy and short. I just felt like writing so like tell me what yall want me to write next. I wanna put out a few more chapters tonight. Put yall ideas in the comments)

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