💿The Worst PT. 1💿

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- " I just can't keep running away"

"So Miracle, you've got a lot scheduled for this upcoming year. The people seem to have really high hopes for the Undisclosed Tour. Your new album The Worst is coming out, and you've recently become Hollywood's newest A lister. Life seems to be going real good for you." Sandra, the interviewer said, blowing the sage around our sit down interview for my new documentary "Alls Unfair in Love and Whores".

"Yeah, yeah life has been such a blessing to me lately. I'm healthy, I got a wonderful supportive group of the most die hard fans behind me, my energy is clearing out. Everything is real good" I said laying my head onto the palm of my hands inhaling partially from the smoke and partially from relief. Hoping that with every breath I could erase all the craziness of the past year

"We're all very proud of you and how you've matured recently, but we can't move into 2022 without talking about and of course closing out with the elephant in the room. Rumor has it that a special someone is going to be the topic of interest in The Worst album, and the streets just wanna know, are you bringing this thing with you into 22' or not?"

I cleared my throat, darting my eyes between the camera and the interviewer. I knew they'd ask about him, they had every reason to. He was all that anyone talked about these days. We were all anyone talked about. Now, after our big split, I couldn't realistically imagine that all of that would just go away, especially not with my Debut R&B centered album coming out.

I exhaled and adjusted myself.

Talking about him was probably the hardest thing I knew how to do when it used to be my favorite. I never really expected for us to get to this point.

"You know, Sandra, I wanna keep it real. There are going to be a few songs detailing what went down with me and him. Like you said, it's hard not to talk about it. But I wanna make it clear, this is not a diss album to him. Regardless of what went down, I can't find it in my heart to hate that man. " I stared in the camera and nervously cleared my throat once again.

" Bryson Til- B... If you're watching this, you know I was never the girl to bring our shit to the public, I don't want to capitalize off you, I could never beg for a dime off your pocket, I don't need your clout. I just need my closure and I deserve that. So don't take this personal, you're the worst, you know what you've done to me but even still, I would first of all just like to thank you... for everything. We had some good times, I learned more things from you than I ever imagined I could. You gave me life, liberty, and the freedom to explore and learn how to be myself. But when times were bad, they got real low, and everyone knows that now. I know I promised to love you through the good and the bad, but what you put me through was The Worst... " fiddling with my thumbs and holding back my tears as every memory good or bad started flooding in

"I guess in order to bring all this to an end, it's time to recap where it all began" Sandra said, handing me a cup of tea and a box of tissues.

I giggled dabbing at the watery mascara, threatening to drip down my cheeks. He already had enough of my tears, I wouldn't let him get one more.

"Well", I said, sipping from my lemon ginger tea, savoring its warmth and using it as a distraction from my rollercoaster of emotions

"if we gone take it back, I guess we'd have to go ALLLL the way back to the beginning of last year. The first time I laid eyes on him. The Interview "

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