What Even Was The Point?

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( Before I start i want to state this intro chapter will have mentions of death, downing on ones self worth, Cannibalism, and religious stuff. )

Days passed the streets more empty than ever, Chalk once used to line all the corpses had run out, People who worked to make this chalk had died leaving none to be made. Leaving countless unaccounted for, what was even spreading through though, no one really knew. It's not like there was anyone around to know anyways. It was always a wonder, would the Americans take us? Maybe because they are so blocked off they are free from the disease or whatever this is. Is it a virus? Death because of starvation, of famine? Who knows and at this point who is willing to care.

Where was he? The day his, I thought lover died he just left never to be seen again. Was he even alive, was he also among the piles of these corpses. It all seemed that people lined into piles, piles of dead corpses that still exposed the spreading of this damn disease, or whatever... Sickness.. This was almost a dream to me, not because people were dying, just no one was around to throw trash at me or beat me, back when I was weak, fragile. Scared at the thought of being near such another. I was only going to kill myself in the end, his kind hands one day reached me, but i had refused to trust, refused to listen, which in the end was such a mistake.

Even if he to supported scars, much more than myself. I still couldn't help but cry every time I looked in the mirror. I was such an ugly creature, frail. So feminine for being a male, irreparable, damaged, a damn sin. Even before, before... We were thrown from the aboves. I was such a damn weak sinful being, And I will forever be. They always said, in the Bible. God would forgive a sin, erasing it from your list that didn't allow you to enter its golden gates. Though that was merely a lie, God wasn't promising if there even was truly one. So many layers, so many worlds. There were thousands upon thousands of gods, if humans wanted to believe or not.

His family was deep in the graves; they'd all slowly die, All seemingly unknowingly. Well except for the youngest.. Who'd die from the spiders infecting him eating him from the inside out. He died young and painfully, clinically insane as well just to say. The streets as usual if you ignored the corpses everywhere are empty, obviously devoid of life. Off to the shops I guess, maybe I'll run into him. Every once in a while I would, though something was always off. He never talked and when he saw me he'd run the who knows where!

I don't know, maybe today was my damn lucky day. Once again I ran into him at the shops. I was as quiet as possible. I knew if he had heard a single breath, a single movement, he'd run away. I'd lose him again. I watched him secretly all the while shopping my own things. I heard his heels running by me, I realized I was by the exit he had usually escaped out of. By the Suns and Moons I wasn't going to let him go this time. I quickly turned my heels, my skirt taking a spin as I started to run after him. For a second I grabbed his arm. He looked back for a mere second, his eyes caught me off guard causing me to let him go.

My daze quickly snapped away and I ran after him. He was fast, I didn't have the energy or will for this. We ran through brush, well dead brush. The once forest sanctuary was a shamble, everything was toeredover and dead. We ran and ran, far far away from the city. Suddenly he disappeared, out of plain sight. He should have been easy to spot with his illuminating hair, and eyes, but nothing was to be shone of him. Till I saw it, a flash of red in a pile of toppled tree trunks. This red wasnt of his hair or eyes, but that of blood. A shrill cry filled the sky, echoing across the deathly land.

Running over to the shrill, was it him? Was he away because of torture..? Was he caught and being used...... I better keep shut about that..

I ran, finding a tunnel that went under the wood leading to a barn. The screams getting louder by the second. Entering through a hole in the side of the barn, it's the shock that hit your heart rather than concern and worry. There he was eating..... Another human being?!!! Alive at that!! I yelled at him, I don't know why I just did. Quickly noticing he'd been caught he killed his victim who was struggling under his weight as he was laying on top of them and eating the flesh off their face.

I stared, horrified, but kept my ground. He stood up, slowly walking towards me. Moving to a place where the barn was intact I waited till he was close, close enough to draw in for a hug as if we were lovers. As soon as noted, grabbing his collar and turning him, he was pinned to the barn wall. My arms and a log blocking his way from moving. This was to easy, i knew how weak I was, So weak and fragile. Pathetic for a person, meaningless. Though why was he letting me take him down in such an easy manor. I turned to look at him, holding still. Afraid a single movement hed move and then id be eaten alive. Was that the intention, to trick me to thinking i've won, god what am i doing, should have just run. Though I have powers they're not of much use for combat, due to the lack of training and strength.

..The End Is Always A Possible Inch Away..

Cliffhanger eh??!

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