Beast or.... Melted

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TW: Blood/ Gore, Organs/ guts, Dead bodies 


*Doctor!!* They called out, the air was grim and silent. The smell of death stuck onto Piko like glue, causing the foul odor to slowly fill the room. Along with the dried blood and the breath of death in and on pikos mouth. Still shaken by what had happened, a hand was held to the place the flesh once was. The house was unlively, and still. It usually was filled with movement, the voices of other people, the laughter, But no. Nothing at all was heard. While still supporting Piko, they went to the hospital that was connected to the house, only to be met with a room of death and sickness, like the streets, piles of corpses laid on the lobby floor.

*What happened here? Is anyone around?* I said weakly, letting off a weak cough I had been trying to hold back. A sound of rushing footsteps came towards the lobby, but they were not those of human feet. Maybe they were.. Out of a panic we ran out the lobby and into the main house, hiding behind various objects

Still in pain, but nothing too extent, Peeking around the object id hidden behind, it ran out on eight limbs, a headless human corpse choking its body. The head of the creature bursting through the back of the corpse. Shaking the corpse only got more mangked than it already was. A screech of frustration came from the creature, it shook the whole house and straight through your soul. The tumble of unknown objects were in the distance of the house.

Whatever the objects were, it caught onto the creature's attention, it ran past me a gust of wind following, the sound of broken stairs creaking under its legs. Wood splitting as well was noticed. If the stairs were not broken before they were now as it continued up the steps, a bursting sound of wood every couple seconds. A loud grunt on the floor, and even louder screeching as something seemed to tumble back down the stairs. Something running back down the stairs or more like jumping because the sound of feet hitting the boards were minimal, before you heard a slap against marble indicating whatever it was had reached downstairs.

I dare to not look behind me even if far away, The soulless eyes burned holes into my back. Another grunt and screech followed, thumping on the marble floors. Something thrown into the sky almost high enough to touch the ceiling. The corpse that had been around the creature had been thrown as if a ragdoll splitting open as it hit and slid on the floor. Guts, intestine, organs, and running blood pooled around it, quiet noises of pain escaped before it went completely silent again. Rushed footsteps came running back, going to the corpse viciously ripping at its flesh and organs. Something else rushed over to it, another set of legs running on the floor. A flash of red and pale gray.

The creature now too was thrown high into the air, splitting as it hit the ground, its solid body denting in and bursting open as if a popped soccer ball. We stared in horror, the creature that had thrown it was none other than fukase. *Fu.... Fukase..* My legs seemed to move towards him, but I had been dragged back. *Piko are you insane!* Unai was right beside him holding him back. *He was literally going to eat and kill you, are you okay in the head?!* shed whisper yell. *But why is he here?! It was obvious to protect us from that... Thing. He probably followed us back from the woods! This is still his home too, ya know...*

*Piko.... He's still... He still hurt you, are you in shock or something, did you hit your head?* Piko nodded no, and decided to not carry out this conversation. I decided to look back at Fukase, who was now eating the dead creature and collecting some of its teeth, setting them in a bottle for later. Sighing in light annoyance and disgust from watching fukase dig through this creature's organs and soon be covered in its blood. Fukase had noticed them though only now decided to walk in their direction. Intestine from the beast was wrapped around his neck/ mouths, it's barely beating heart in one of his hands, Its liver being halfly gone and in an extended piece of his skin.

It seemed like he was melting, his skin seemed to drip. As he walked forward. A bag filled with who knows what started to melt. Fukase walked with a heavy limp, seeming like a slight gust of someone's breath would knock him over. *Fukase...* I lowly grumbled, shushed by Unai. He probably has been dealing with pain for a while. I wanted to help, but I couldn't. Seeing his limping figure slowly melting. Closer and Closer he got... With only a few meters between us he melted. Down into the tile, his melted body seeming to disappear when hitting the ground. 



Yay, A new part finally out

its at 888 words lol

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