Update :)

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This story is still being written, sadly though due to personal events I've been taking a writing break. 

As well as exams and finals coming up as school is starting to return to normal schedule I have to study for the finals since Exams have already happened. 

This part I share here was part 4, but i may change it, I don't think that part 3 really fits into the whole theme of the story to much it just feels rocky and odd to me. Though if ya'll think it fits, it fits.

Anyways, what would have been part 4 (I actually only wrote half of it so half of what hv been part 4)

apologies for any spelling errors.


The two days passed, seemingly taking forever. It felt like a melania had passed before the day arrived. I went to the graveyard and waited from dusk till dawn, he never came so eventually I gave up and went home. The Only thing that had been done since then was searching through the now abandoned hospital for medical supplies and left behind food. The doctors were dead, their bodies had been discovered ripped and shredded around the safe room. The door that could have kept it separated from the rest of the hospital was torn through, a giant hole went through it as if a cannonball was shot through it. It was in all honesty a sickening sight. There wasn't much food which was expected, but medical supplies were laid everywhere around the hospital. Also it being the only hospital for miles and miles.

We ended up opening our doors to people who were retreating to secluded places or were trying to move south. Even people who needed medical care. We stayed in the basement oftenly sitting in there for days with no light. Though we knew more people were out there. Alive and well. Not suffering, sitting in a warm cozy house. Watching TV, the news, doing whatever else they do.

A lot of the food storage had been raided either by that creature or civilians trying to quote on quote hideout. Food storage was low, and food being made and delivered here was dwindling, fast. A lot of people were already angry at us because of our large house and attached hospital, even though being in such a large place could be a huge danger and now the hospital was useless due to all the doctors, at least doctors specializing in medical aid in terms of fixing large injuries and giving medication to those whom were sick were dead. News about a possible cure? No nothing, The queen was trying her best, she had close relations due to Fukase and his younger brother. Maybe we could retreat there and hide. Though who knows what's going on there, TVs have been out of service for almost two weeks no one had access to anything.

A couple days ago Hime and Mikoto had started to travel south western to London, nothing has been heard from them since they left. Electricity is gone, food is bad. We can only eat lukewarm snacks or rarely refrigerated foods that somehow were not spoiled yet. Store foods were going spoiled fast and soon we'd run out of food. The air was polluted by the disease that was spreading around and our phones died. Computers were used for parts and for splints in case of any injuries. We had a lot of machines though they were mostly useless, generators did exist though were only allowed for royals and higher officials. As the days kept passing people who were left started to fear that other kingdoms would come and try to attack them.

Which wasn't wrong. Every Once in a while you'd hear a gunshot or an explosion distantly, but that was all. It wasn't really sure why. A group of us were going to head out to investigate. It was better to travel by group since mysterious wildlife started to get attracted to the dead bodies that laid around the city. A group that had been sent off to gather any food from stores in the city and had never returned. Though yes they could have run off on their own it's unlikely. Slightly less than 50 people remained in the mansion. Everyone was distanced and sleeping materials were given out. We were all hidden in the underground tunnel-system basement, though it was only dirt with no items or anything that would be of use to them. Though it was true that some people had left to try and travel south.

"..... Una. It should be time soon. I should head out." A finger to my scarred chin, and eyes to the clouded sky.

At the main floor the roof had collapsed in, it caused quite a scare for the small creature Fukase always carried around. Haven't seen her since. Though I know she's fine, she might even be with Fukase right now! Everyone was still slightly shook by it, it wasn't something that we'd expect. At least 10 people were killed from the collapse.

"Should we send you out in a group? It's dangerous. He could hurt you again.."

The finger on my chin went across the still untreated scar, "No, I'm sure I'll be fine. I'm not going to lie.. I feel like somethings up, but not entirely sure.. If anything happens again I know I'll be fine. I am a God after all.."

"So..? You still have feelings. You're seeing him to get him to come back, because you care about him? Aren't you? You can still feel pain, you still can have permanent damage to yourself" Una's face was filled with concern. She was always worried about Piko as a side from her spicy, Unai who had been traumatized by the condition Piko had been left in and treated for all those years. Unai played a major role in helping Piko heal and soon recover and they both became close. This concern shadowed over Una, making her also deeply concern for Piko.

"For your sake, to put you out of worry. I'll be careful. I will communicate somehow.. If anything goes wrong." Piko walked to an archway peering around the corner and taking deep breaths.

" It's Time"


idk if ive said this before, but I dont rlly plan for this to be over 10 chapters. unless i decide to extend it (Which ik how to, but i only will if I feel like it)

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