Inner Beauty Matters: Chapter - 01

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Tay entered the home office. There, all he could see was a man with his eyes closed but his heartbreak evidently readable by anyone.

"Arthit," Tay called out but it went in vain. He kept on calling his brother till his nong looked up to face him. And when he did all Tay could see was how tired those lovely eyes are in spite of the trauma they went through.

Tay just went around and pulled Arthit to his arms. He gave him a tight hug and kept on consoling him.

"Arthit, my nong. I can understand your emotional trauma but I want to remind you there is one person who needs you more than anything now and that person is waiting for you in your room. It is not easy to put all that happened behind and move on but being your elder brother and the only family I will request you to start putting all the events to your past and look for the future."

Suddenly all that happened in the day started flashing in front of Arthit. He just nodded to Tay and started walking towards his room.

While walking his memory takes him to that day when he met him - Mike. The one who was the cause of his tears and the past events.


Arthit was running late and looking at the traffic he knew luck was not at his end. He was to meet his artist friend at the Galleria, who was having his paintings exhibited. Finally, Arthit pulled into the car park and checked the time. "Phew", he sighed. He is just in time to see the works before Galleria is closed for the day.

Arthit easily tracked his friend down and after initial greetings and complaints, his friend started giving him a tour of the paintings.

There he saw a lovely painting which resembled their childhood home and he wanted to buy it as a gift for his brother. On enquiring, he found out it has already been sold to someone. Using his own connections and contacts, Arthit was able to get the details of the buyer.

The very next day, Arthit drove all the way to the address. It was a beautiful house that gave a cozy homely vibe. He parked the car and went into the house and rang the bell.

The door opened and all Arthit could think was that there is a beautiful angel stood in front of him and is talking to him. Arthit could not convey why he was there or what was his business. He was mesmerized by those captivating eyes, that smile, that body; without realizing Arthit started checking out the person in front of him inch by inch.

 He was mesmerized by those captivating eyes, that smile, that body; without realizing Arthit started checking out the person in front of him inch by inch

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Mike at the door

"P'Mike, who is there at the door? Come eat your breakfast, P," That noise brought Arthit back to the earth.

Arthit quickly apologized and introduced - "Hi, I am Arthit Rojnapat. CEO and Co-Owner of TA Enterprises and I am here to meet Mr. Mike regarding art paintings". By the time Mike replied, the owner of the voice had come to the door.

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