Pleasantries bordering entries

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Closing the gap, no entrance.
Lock the door, no escape.
Fantasies fulfilling, stuck in a loop again.
I don't see anything wrong, I'm not broken.
Close the door, darkness ensnares me.

Potted plants give me air, close the window.
Breathe the same air, over and over again.
Let the intoxicating scent control you.
Lose your grip and your hand slips.
I won't catch you, the darkness will only encompass you too.

Lack of response brews troubling thoughts.
I release my tension and embrace my shallowness.
I am but a small, dull spark in this world of light.
Douse my flame, destroy me.

Life is no longer pleasant.
As long as the only presence I feel is the darkness.
In which my shadow has engulfed the light within me.

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