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Time's on my side this round.
I can feel reality slipping.
I feel in control of those around.
My consciousness is dwindling.
Maybe I've run out of time.
Maybe I'm just run on Clockwork.

Days and night feel no different.
In our lifetime we experience firsts and lasts.
Once we grow days and night grow vast.
Feel the decay as you rust.
Once you're put in the ground you'll be left forgotten in the dust.

Mind tricks and lucid dreams.
Time doesn't repeat.
Your actions set in stone.
Your subconsciousness defeated.
Now aware of it all.
Your clockwork short circuited.

The loop has been closed, you've been set free.
As you fly high, you watch the world leave you in the past.
Don't remember what isn't or wasn't.
Remember what can and can't.
It's not the memories that hurt.
It's when they stop.

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