2 ~ Special

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As Felix walked out of the lift and down the hallway, Wooyoung gazed after him in awe. God, he's so perfect! How the hell did I get so lucky? he thought, shaking his head in wonder.

Watching the younger's muscles move as he walked, the intense feelings from inside the lift started invading Wooyoung's mind and body once again. Just the thought of Felix's silky-smooth skin under his finger-tips nearly drove him wild with desire.

It took all his self-control to stop himself from slamming Felix against the wall right then and there... He pushed those thoughts down, though, knowing that he was about to see his sunbaes again. Not now! he told himself. Later...

Sighing regretfully, he followed Felix down the hallway to a door with "Stray Kids" written on it in gold lettering. He smiled as he noticed another sign stuck underneath the fancy letters: the iconic "SKZ" that he knew was in Chan's own handwriting.

Wooyoung was looking forward to seeing the Stray Kids members again. He'd seen them a lot over the last few weeks, while they were filming Kingdom, and he'd actually become quite close to a few of them. None more so than Felix, though. He smiled to himself. Felix was special ... really special.

As they got to the door, the freckled boy turned around. "Here we are," he announced with a grin.

He pushed open the door and walked inside, immediately kicking off his shoes. Wooyoung followed him in and closed the door behind him, excitement bubbling up inside him.

When he turned around, though, Felix was nowhere to be seen. Leaving his shoes next to the younger's, Wooyoung looked around to see where the other boy had gone. Hearing voices from a nearby room, he poked his head cautiously round the door and saw the dorm's loungeroom, where all the members were hanging out.

As soon as he appeared in the doorway, the talking stopped and everyone turned to look at him. Chan, Seungmin and Jeongin all came to greet him enthusiastically, with big smiles on their faces. Seungmin and Jeongin had of course been in the Mayfly dance unit with him, so they already knew him pretty well, while Chan was the kind of person that knew everyone and automatically liked someone even if he'd never met them before.

Their enthusiasm was infectious, and Wooyoung found himself grinning back and happily exchanging greetings with his friends. As they finished, a very fast-moving shape hurtled towards him from the other side of the room.


The human cannonball bumped into him, nearly knocking him off his feet, but he was saved by the arms that wrapped themselves around him and squeezed tightly.

Once he could breathe again, Wooyoung grinned. "Hi, Hyunjin..."

He was aware that the now-giggling boy hadn't called him "hyung" as he strictly should have, Wooyoung being older than him; but he decided that Hyunjin's cuteness and enthusiasm made up for it, so he let it slide.

After a while, Hyunjin reluctantly let go, and wandered out of the room again, a delighted grin on his face. Wooyoung noticed that Chan and Felix were talking, so he took some time to look around the room. On the other side of the room a TV was playing, but when he looked at the lounge in front of it to see who was watching, he did a double-take.

Cuddled up together at one end of the lounge were Minho and Jisung. At least Wooyoung thought it was Minho and Jisung - it was kind of hard to tell because he couldn't see their faces clearly. He did a quick mental check of everyone he'd greeted so far, and they were the only ones left, apart from Changbin (and neither boy was small enough to be him).

Really, 'cuddled up together' didn't describe what the two boys were doing at all. 'Devouring each other's faces' was more accurate, Wooyoung thought. He wasn't entirely sure that he should be watching such an intimate display, but he couldn't seem to tear his eyes away. Probably no one should be watching it, he thought - yet here they were, in a public place, apparently not bothered in the slightest.

As Wooyoung watched, fascinated, Jisung surfaced and saw the older boy. He smiled and raised his hand in greeting, then opened his mouth to say something. But before he could get any words out, Minho pulled him roughly back into the kiss, not even sparing Wooyoung a glance.

Wooyoung was taken aback by Minho's behaviour, and shook his head in bewilderment. Hearing a sound of disgust, he moved his attention to the other occupant of the lounge: his best friend, Changbin. He was sitting as far away from the other two as he possibly could, and was looking decidedly nauseated.

As Wooyoung gazed in his direction, though, he turned to look at him, and a scowl appeared on his face. Then he abruptly turned his eyes, and his attention, back to the TV.

Wooyoung was very surprised by his friend's frosty attitude towards him. Is he mad 'cause I've been ignoring his calls? He gazed at Felix for a moment. Or is there another reason?

Suddenly wanting very much to be alone with Felix, Wooyoung approached the younger. He could see Chan grinning and waggling his eyebrows at him, to which Felix responded by making a throat-cutting motion with his hand. Wooyoung could tell the freckled boy was annoyed, so he gently touched his arm.

Felix turned to Wooyoung with a look of relief. "Let's go to my room now," he said.

He grabbed Wooyoung's hand and pulled him quickly out the door, before heading down the hallway to his bedroom.

He grabbed Wooyoung's hand and pulled him quickly out the door, before heading down the hallway to his bedroom

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