Thursday nights

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My head is throbbing as I open the door to my bedroom. Throwing my purse down, I walk over to the large mirror in front of my bed. I begin to brush the knots and tangles out of my long dirty blonde hair. Looking at my long legs and flat stomach I change out of my work clothes into a t-shirt and shorts. I walk into the bathroom down the hall from my room and take out my contacts then put my glasses on. After putting my hair up in a bun I take some Advil for my head. Work was really busy today, waiting tables was harder than I thought it would be. Once I brush my teeth I go back to my room lay down on my bed pulling the covers over me.
I look at the clock next to my bed. It's only 7:30, it's too early to sleep. Look at me alone on a Thursday night, pathetic. I start looking for my tv remote. Once I find it I flip through the channels for something to watch.
There's a knock on the door then it opens. "Isabella? Uh.. I don't have enough money to pay the gas bill.. Do you think you could give me $75 to borrow?" My mom says stepping into my room, looking at the floor, avoiding eye contact.
"Didn't I give you $50 last week for the gas bill?" I say, a little annoyed, sitting up in bed. Okay, not just a little annoyed, very annoyed.
"Yeah, well I kinda had to use that for the rent." She says still looking at the ground.
"Mom," I say letting out a long breath.
"I can't keep paying the bills if I'm ever going to afford a car."
"I know I know I'm sorry. I just can't keep up with-" I cut her off.
"Maybe if you didn't blow all your money on booze you would be able to pay the bills without your 17-year-old daughters help." I say angrily.
"I wish you would stop throwing that in my face!" She yells at me. "I told you I'm trying to stop!"
"Whatever you're doing is obviously not helping!" I spit back at her.
"I am your mother and you will not talk to me like that!" She looks at me in the eye.
"Sometimes I can't tell if your my mom or just my roommate." I say looking straight back at her.
Throwing the covers off me, I walk over to my dresser getting out sweat pants and putting them on. Grabbing my purse, I push past my mom and start to walk down the stairs. "Where do you think you are going?" She yells down to me.
"Lilly's," I yell back. "Have fun drinking the town dry!" I yell slamming the front door. Maybe I took that to far.
Pulling my phone out I call Lilly. "Hello?" She answers.
"Hey, are you at home?" I ask.
"Yeah, what's wrong? Did something happen?" She sounds worried.
"My mom, I'll be there in 15." I say ending the call. I don't have to say anything else, this happens too often anymore.
I start to walk to Lilly's house. When crossing the street I see a few boys standing around a lamp post. By this time, it was dark outside and I had about 5 minutes till I got to Lilly's. Walking past them I hear them whisper to each other. About what, I don't know. I was too busy walking away from them. Turning the corner to Lilly's road, I hear steps behind me. I walk faster. Looking behind me I see one of the boys from a distance.
Lilly's house is just a little farther. The footsteps turn into a jog, catching up to me. I didn't have time to run before he was next to me. "Hey, isn't it a little late for you to be walking out here by myself?" He says, he's voice was deep. I look at him. He looks much younger than he sounds. From the moon light, I can see his dark brown hair that stops just above his eyes. His gold eyes almost glowing. He had very chiseled features. He was wearing a tight black t-shirt and dark jeans.
"No." I answer then continue walking. "Whats your name?" he asks
"Whats it to you?"
"I was just ask-" I cut him off.
"Look, I got pepper spray in my purse. Leave now and I won't have to use it." I say looking straight ahead.
"Whoa whoa! No need for that. I just didn't think it was safe for you to walk alone." He says walking next to me.
"I felt much safer when you weren't here." I say annoyed.
"My name is Levi." He says smile, holding out his hand. The moon reflecting off his white teeth.
"Yeah, Isabella." I say shaking his hand. "Now close your mouth before you blind me." I say covering my eyes with my hand. He laughs.
"Nice to meet you, Isabella," He says while releasing my hand. "You have a beautiful name." I stop in front of Lilly's house.
"Well uh.. I'll be seeing you." I say starting to walk up the driveway. "Yeah, hopefully tomorrow morning." He yells up at me. He was gone before I could turn around and ask him what he meant.
When I go to the back porch I see Lilly sitting on the back steps. "Who was your little friend?"

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