Sunday mornings

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Sunday mornings are always the worst. There's not a lot you can do on Sunday. Not many places are open, except the restaurant I work at. "Crap!" I shoot out of bed, almost stepping on Levi. "What's wrong?" Levi asks, sitting up, rubbing his eyes. "My shift starts in twenty minutes." I say, running around the room, trying to find my shoes. "I can give you a ride." He says, standing up. "That would be great." I say, finding my shoes and slipping them on. "I'll be in the truck." He says, leaving the room.

Once I was done I run out to the car. "Where to?" Levi asks, starting the truck. "Do you know where Back Road is?" "You work at Back Road?" He says, sounding surprised. "Why?" I say, looking at him weird. "Isn't that like, full of rednecks?" He says. "Just because someone listens to country music doesn't mean they're redneck."

When Levi pulls up to Back Road, I don't even say goodbye before I run out and go inside. "Hey, sorry I'm late Bill." I says to my boss. "What's this, the fifth time?" He says, scolding me. Bill was a man in his fifties, four kids and divorced two times. "It won't happen again." I say, hurrying to find my note pad. "Mhm." He replies, walking away.

Hurrying to put on my uniform, I clock in. "I'm surprised Bill hasn't fired you yet," says Tina, one of my coworkers. A single mother in her late twenties with two kids. "I think it's because we're short staffed since Rose went God knows where." "You haven't seen her have you?" She asks me. "No," I say, half listening. "I'd love to chat more but I need to get to work before Bill really fires me." We laugh. "Ok girl, talk to you later." She smiles then walks away.

I was listening to the stereo, which was playing Crash and Burn by Thomas Rhett, when I hear the door bell jingle. Not looking to see who it is I grab a couple menus. "How many?" I ask. "One, for now. Maybe two." I look up, backing up till my back hits the wall behind me. "What are you doing here?" I ask. Kyle look around. "What do most people do at restaurants?" He asks, biting his lip, looking at me. "Tina!" I yell over my shoulder. Tina jogs around the corner. Her eyes lock onto Kyle. "I got this Isabella." She says taking the menus out of my hand. Tina knew what happened... She knew more the Lily. "Thank you." I mumble to her and scurry away.

I go to the back room and lean against the wall. Looking at the clock on the wall, I see my shift is almost over. I pull out my phone and text Levi, asking him if he could pick me up. Thank God we weren't that busy tonight. After awhile Tina comes in the back room and tells me he was gone. Gathering my stuff, I walk out the door to wait for Levi.

"I don't see the point of you trying to hide from me." Says a voice from behind me. I whip around to see Kyle leaning against the wall. "I don't see the point in you following me." I say to him. "Don't be like that baby." He says, moving forward. "I'm not your baby." I say to him, backing up. "What did you say to me?" He grinds his teeth, walking up to me and grabbing my jaw roughly, forcing me to look up at him.

I heard the sound of Levi's truck from down the road. Kyle steps back a little. "Your lucky your little boyfriend is here to save you," He moves to my neck. "Just remember you are mine." He leaves a sloppy kiss on my neck then jogs down the street.

Levi pulls up and rolls down the window. "What's wrong?" He asks. "Nothing," I say, wiping my neck and climbing in the truck. "I need to stop by my house." I say, shutting the door.

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