Dark Red Mercedes

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After a moment I realized what was happening and I pulled Levi off Kyle and started running towards the truck as fast as I could. Basically throwing him inside the truck and running to the other side, getting in. Once Levi started the truck had sped out of the parking lot, "What the hell where you thinking?!" I yell at him. "I was protecting you!" He yells back. "I was fine." "I'm sure." He says, sounding mean.

Levi slows down after awhile. "Take me home." I say looking out the window. "Hell no!" He yells. "I'm not taking you home." "Why not?" I look at him angrily. "One, your mom. Two, that asshole might be there waiting for you." I slump in my seat. He was right. It wasn't safe to go back. I know Kyle would be there. I knew what he was capable of too. I look down at the scar on me knee, remembering the last time I saw him.

"Take me to Lilly's." I say after a minute. He opens his mouth to say something thing but then clenches it shut and turns the truck around angrily. When Levi pulls up to Lilly's house, I spot the all to familiar dark red Mercedes. I get out, "Get out of here!" I yell at him. "What? Why?!" He look around. "Do it!" I scream.

He hits the gas. I look in the review-mirror. "Get rid of him!" I yell when I see the car following us. "Get rid of who?!" "Him!" I yell gesturing to the mirror. "Oh fuck! That's him!?" He looks at me with wide eyes. I just nod my head yes. He slams on the gas. Turning into an ally, he slows down. "I think we lost him" He says. "I'm taking you to my place." He says, pulling out of the ally.

When we get to his house, Levi handed me the house keys. "Go inside, I'll be in in a minute. I need to make a call." Taking the keys, I go to the front door and unlock it. Walking inside,I shut the door behind me. Then all of a sudden a hand covers my mouth, pushing me against the door. I try to scream but it was muffled. "You think you can hide from me." Kyle says in my ear. I could feel his hot breath on my neck. "How many times do I have to tell you, you're mine." He says, biting my ear. Tears start to roll down my face as I try to get away. "Maybe I need to cut it into you." He says, pulling out a pocket knife. I try screaming louder. Where was Levi? He puts the knife back in his pocket. "But your little boyfriend will be in any minute now." He says, leaving kisses on my neck. "We have enough time," He says, trying to take off my pants. I kick him between his legs, and he falls to the ground putting his hands over where I kicked him. I open up the door and scream to Levi.

Levi held him down till the cops came. Levi almost killed him again. Once the cops leave with Kyle, Levi came up to me, wrapping his arms around me. "Are you ok?" He asks, muffled by my hair. "I'm fine." I say not returning the hug, just standing there.

There was a knock on the door. Levi lets go of me to open it. It is a cop asking Levi for a statement about what happened. I walk away from where I was standing to the bedroom. My whole body hurts. I get into bed. A couple minutes later Levi walks in. "You ok?" He says, opening the door. "Yeah." "You sure?" He says, his hand still on the door knob. "I'm fine." "Ok. Try to sleep." He says, closing the door.

"Levi! Wait!" I call after him. "Yeah?" He opens the door. "Could you stay in here with me?" I ask. I haven't seen Kyle since it happened and all the memories are flooding my thoughts. "Of course." He says walking in. "I'll sleep on the floor." He says laying down. I say thank you giving him a pillow from the bed. He pulls a blanket from under the bed. Once we were settled I let my arm hang off the bed. After a moment Levi locks his fingers with mine. I smile to myself and fall asleep.

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