Coffee shop bad boy

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"Nice shirt." I look down at my shirt. "Oh thanks, you like The 1975?" I ask, walking out the door.
"Yeah, they're cool."
"Nice hat." I say, looking at his black beanie. He's wearing black again. His brown hair looks almost black.
"Thank you." He says, stepping aside so I can walk down the steps. I start to walk down the street.
"Woah, where are you going?" Levi yells to me. I turn around to see him standing next to a red truck.
"Oh," I say more to myself than him. "I didn't think we were going to drive." I say walking back to him.
"Well, I kinda lied. I don't need you to show me around. I just wanted a reason to take you on a date." He smiles at me. I slap his shoulder playfully.
"Wow." I giggle while getting into the truck. Levi shuts my door and runs around the front of the truck to the other side.
"What?" He says getting into the truck. "What?" I say looking at him. I didn't realize it but I was looking around the truck.
"Didn't think I drove a truck?"
"Mustang." I whisper to myself.
"What was that?" He asks starting the truck.
"Nothing." I say looking out the window.
"I heard there was a party tonight, some football player is throwing it." He says pulling out into the street.
"I'm not really a party person." I said. Snap out of it by Arctic Monkeys was playing in the background.
"I didn't think so." He says turn the corner. "Where are we going to go?" I ask taking my eyes off the window to look at him. 

"Don't know." He says intensely focused on driving. I laugh.
"You drive like my grandma." He stops at a stop light and looks at me. He smiled devilishly.
"I'm much hotter than your grandma." He winks at me. I laugh and push his shoulder.
"That was weird." When the light turns green we start moving.
"Thank you." He says smiling. I laugh again.
"Easy up on the steering wheel. Your hands are doing to turn purple." I said reaching my hand out to touch his, but I stopped half way and pulled back. He sees this out of the corner of his eye. I pull my hands into my lap and start playing with my fingers.
"So.... what do you do for fun?" He asks sounding nervous.
"Uh, read."

 "Is that all?" 

"I love art." 

"What do you mean?" He asks. 

"I like drawing and painting. Stuff like that."
"Are you any good?" He asks.
"I'm ok I guess."
He pulls over and looked at me. "Did I tell you that you look great tonight?" He says. I act like I didn't hear him and started getting out of the truck.
"What's this?" I ask when he came to my side. It was an old rustic building. I didn't realize but we weren't in town anymore. I don't know where we were.
"You'll see." He says grabbing my hand and pulling me to the building. I stumble at first, but I am able to keep up with him. When we walk inside I see that it is a coffee house. He tells me to sit at one of the couches. He comes back with coffee and hands one to me.
"Ok, who are you?" I laugh.
"What do you mean?" He asks.
"You look like the bad boy, you drive a truck, now you bring me to a coffee shop. What are you a bad boy/ cowboy/ hipster?" He laughs and so did I.
"I'll agree with the bad boy part. The truck is just useful and I like coffee and cool music."
When I finish my coffee we head outside. The cold crisp air hits my skin. "Here." Levi said taking off his jacket and wrapping it around my shoulders.
"No, you don't have to do that." I said trying to take off his jacket. He puts his hands on my shoulder keeping it in place. I stop trying to take it off and let my hands fall to my side.
"What now?" I asked.
"Anything you want."
"Let's just walk for now."
"That works." He says. We start walking down the sidewalk, talking, our shoulders brushing each other's occasionally. We talk about nothing, what's his favorite tv show what's my favorite, that sort of thing.
My phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out. I got a message from my mom. 'Come home' it said. I put my phone back in my pocket. A few minutes later it buzzed again,'Now'. "Is something wrong?" Levi asked looking worried.
"Nothing just my mom."
"Do you need to go home?" I looked at the time it was going on 10:00, it was dark.
"Yeah." Walking back to the truck I give Levi my address so he could take me home.
When we get to my house Levi gets out of the truck with me. "What are you doing?" I say walking in front of him. "Walking you to the door." He said grabbing my hand. I pull my hand back.
"You don't have to do that." "Nonsense." He said taking my hand walking to the door. When we get to my door, I am telling him goodbye when the door slams open revealing my drunken mother with a bottle of vodka in her hand. She looks at Levi then to me.
"You whore." She says under her breath and dragging me inside by my wrist, forgetting to shut the door. "Is this what you do when you leave? Go hook up with random guy!?" She yells at me
"I-" I try to speak but she cuts me off.
"I will not allow my daughter to be a whore!" She yells. "I did not raise you to be a whore!" She says slurring her words.
"If I'm a whore then what are you?" I yell back. She slaps me. I don't mean a little slap, I wouldn't be surprised if I had a bruise.
I forgot that Levi was still in the doorway. He came in a pushes my mother back, grabs my wrist and drags me to his truck.

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