Chapter 4: the date; part 1

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Miko POV:

I woke up early, even if it was a Saturday. I was just way too excited, it didn't matter about what happened last night. That Manabu guy was a real creep, her knight in abyssal armor came to her rescue, concealed by the shadows.

"Where am I headed, again?" I thought to myself, "Oh yeah, we are going to see the newest spiderman movie. Spiderman: no way home. I heard people talking about it, even reviews saying how great it was."

I said all this aloud, it was easier to say my thoughts out loud to assess. Though, it wasn't great to do in public because people tended to look at me weird.

I was an avid fan of the marvel universe, especially with the newest spiderman actor. I enjoyed the previous movies, I'd argue that bully Maguire was the best version of spiderman.

Although I am excited for the movie, I am even more excited for what I am planning afterwards.

Kiyotaka will be mine!

Kiyotaka POV:

After doing my normal morning routine of 100 pushups, 100 situps, 100 air squats, with a 10 kilometer run, I took a shower.

I remembered that today I am going to see a movie with Miko today. Is this what excitement felt like?

I didn't have anything to compare it to, I guess I'll archive this feeling for later.

"I wonder when we should meet up?" I asked nobody out loud.

I had ideas in mind, but ultimately decided to text her myself. All these sorts of hanging out with people is foreign to me, who knows if not knowing will create a problem.

Let's go to the movies tonight at 7:00 pm Kiyo-kun.

Before I could even begin texting I received a message from Miko. Such an unreadable girl, I am reminded everyday by her contrast to myself.

Let's meet up for lunch, Miko.

I proposed the idea to try and match her, I will not yield to your will Miko. I don't know what you're planning, but I will strike first.

I will see you then! 😋

Miko POV:

I smiled, I finished texting Kiyotaka with my plans for us today. Though, I was caught off guard when he proposed that we should have lunch together.

Naturally, I added the perfect place that we could have lunch with the least drama as possible. Kiyo agreed to this plan, stating that he liked to try new food.

I got in my shower and got ready for what I planned for today. I decided to wear a slipknot hoodie with torn jeans. They were the kind where the store did it for you, I didn't have the heart to do it myself.

Looking in the mirror, I saw how average my breasts were.

"Does Kiyotaka like average sized breasts?" I thought to myself, I felt my face heat up.

Pushing through the feeling of want, I thought to myself.

"If there is a possibility of something, there is a probability to it." I deducted "that means if the possibility that Kiyo-kun likes moderate sized breasts, it has a chance."

My thoughts took a dark turn, feelings of doubt surfaced. It didn't make sense, but my mind only could think of the endless conclusions, possibilities to be.

"Who am I kidding? No person could be into a girl like me..." I finalized "Let alone Kiyo-kun. I should just accept only being friends with him, it'll make rejection feel less sour."

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