Why have you- Oh. (Part 1 *Requested*)

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Hey, so this first one-shot was requested for my best friend, PrinessChaila. So here you go! This is Hetalia, so if you don't know what that is, you can go ahead and skip this.

Also, I may or may not keep doing these. But I'll do one for anyone who has requested one, or I'll just randomly do one.

*Kayla's POV*

I try and call America for the fifth time today. He still hasn't answered his phone! He's been changing subjects every time I ask where he has been when he comes home. Ugh! Why won't he tell me?

"Okay, yup. I'll see you later Sarah. Thanks for helping me. Yup. Bye." I hear America say as he walks through the front door. 'Sarah? Who's Sarah?' I think as I walk out of the kitchen and stop him in his tracks. "So, where have you been today?" I ask.

"Uhm, out." He says stumbling over his words. I sigh, and without thinking I say, "Who's Sarah?" He looks up at me and says, "Sarah McCarthy? Just a friend that was helping me with something. Why?" I nod, looking down. "No reason.." I say, and start walking away, "How about we go out to dinner tonight? Just you and me. No one else" I hear a voice say, a voice belonging to America. "Sure. Sounds great." I nod and smile.

"Great! We're going somewhere fancy, and be ready by 6, okay?" He says, and I nod. Glancing at the clock. 3 o'clock. Perfect. Just enough time to get the dirt on who this Sarah chick is...

*2 hours later* (A/N: If you read that in the spongebob voice, you get a cookie! (::))

Well, I got nothing... And now I have to get ready... I take a shower, so my hair and makeup then put in a knee length red dress, and red heels. Once I'm ready, I wait for America.

"Kayla? Are you ready?" America asks as he's walking down the stairs and into the living room where I am sitting. "Yup. Ready." I stand up and we head out to his car.

*Le time skip to the restaurant*

When we get there, America gets out and rushes to my side, and opens the door for me and helps me get out. I smile and thank him, and we head in. "Reservations for America. Table for 2, please." He says, and the waiter leads us to our table and we order something to drink. Of course, I get Pepsi, and so does America.

We order what we want to eat and then head back out to the car. I look at the time, 7:45. "So, the night is still young.. What else could we do?" I ask, and turn to America, who surprisingly, is shaking like a chihuahua. "Uh, we could... Go to the park?" He says, turning to me, and I nod my head.

When we're almost to the park, America pulls over and tells me to put on the blindfold he's handing to me. I give a questioning look, then put it on. Then I feel the car starting to move again.

Next thing I know, the car stopped, and America is getting out. He opened my door, and helped me get out. Leading me from the gravel to the damp grass. "Okay, go ahead and take off your blindfold." I hear America say. I take off my blindfold and to my surprise, is lights hanging on trees, soft music playing in the background, and a beautiful view of the reflection of the moon dancing on the water before us.

"Oh America! It's wonderful! It's- its- beautiful!" I say, at a loss of words. I hear him laugh a little and then he leads me to the middle of four big tree with the lights hung upon them. I smile at the sight before us, now being able to see the water, and the moon a lot more clearly now.

"Kayla," America starts. I turn to him, giving  my attention to the man I love most. "Kayla.. My love, my life. The most beautiful woman alive. The girl that stole my heart. We have been dating for about 4 years now, and it has been the best, most wonderful 4 years of my life. I love everything about you and so much more. I wouldn't want to be with anyone else. Your my best friend, my sister, my girlfriend, and my mother at some moments. But more importantly, your mine. And that's all I could ever ask for. But right now, at this moment, there's one more thing I want to ask you tonight." He gets down on one knee and opens the little black box that holds a stunning ring.

I put my hands up to my mouth and a tear starts to run down my face. "Will you make me the happiest man alive, and being my wife? Kayla, will you marry me?" He asks. I nod, not being able to speak just yet. He puts the ring on my finger and stands up and hugs me tight, and then kisses me with so much passion.

Tonight has been the best night of my life!

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