WHAT?! (Part 2- *REQUESTED*)

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~Kayla's POV~

I wake up the day after my wedding night. Turning around I look at my new husband, still sound asleep. I smile, remembering the night before, the day before, the morning. I get up, and grab my phone and see a text from my best friend Tori, she was my Maid of Honor and she helped a bunch.

I check the text and chuckle, then turning it off and suddenly getting the feeling of wanting to puke. Soon I find myself hovering over the toilet and America holding my hair up, rubbing my back. "I think we should go get a test..." America tells me. I sigh, knowing it's probably true. I nod, and he tells me I should stay here. I agree and then go lay down and last thing I see is him leaving.

*20 minutes later*

"Babe... Honey, wake up, I'm back." I hear someone talking to me and feel someone shake me. I open my eyes to see its America. I get up, stretch and head to the bathroom, scared for my life. I do what I have to do and then with America in the bathroom with me, we wait 5 minutes in utter silence. When the 5 minutes is up, I grab the test, hand over the screen. I have him come over my me, standing in front of me, getting a view of the test, that's still resting in my hand. He nods, looking me in the eyes.

I nod back and uncover the test... We both look down and see that it's...

Positive. It's positive, we both end up staring at it for a while, taking in the scene before us. Then when the shock sunk in, we both looked up at each other again, shock clearly written on our faces. I notice the tears in his eyes as well as mine. "You're pregnant... We're gonna have a baby... I'm gonna be a dad! I'm gonna be a dad!" He almost yells with excitement and I laugh, realizing I'm going to be a mother. "I'm going to be a mother!" We're both filled with excitement as he kisses me, and we both run to our phones. Grabbing them we both text one of our closest friends. Mine to Tori.

Texting her, I jump up and down with joy. With one last jump I press send.

"You're going to be Aunty Fabulous!"

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