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“Tonight we are victorious! Champagne pouring over us! All my friends are glorious.. Tonight we are victorious!” Kayla and I belt out in the car as we are driving down the highway. Victorious is playing from my phone and blasting through the speakers. We decided to hang out today in Green Bay, “Dylan says hurry up.” Kayla says from the passenger seat, I chuckle, “Tell him he can chill out, I’m going as quick as I can.”

She chuckles as well and her thumbs go a mile a minute typing on her phone screen telling him what I said. I’m driving today instead of Dylan for once so he’s bored and alone at his apartment. “Luise is seducing Luddy.” Kayla says giggling like a schoolgirl, eyes glued to her phone. “Again?” I ask, chuckling as well. “Always” She says with a serious face.

I laugh, looking over at her. Before I know it, someone comes speeding behind me, goes around me and tries getting in front of me. I gasp, and they hit the front of my car and I lose control, sending us into the ditch. I hear screaming from Kayla, as well as screaming coming from myself. Then blackness takes over me.

-1 hour later-

I wake up, eyes adjusting to the sudden light and flashing. I hear sirens and groan, wanting to close my eyes and escape the sounds. “Miss! Miss! You need to stay awake!” I jump, the loud masculine voice waking me up, I look down to see blood on my arms, broken glass on my lap and my phone on the floor blowing up with notifications. ‘How did that survive?’ I think, my head starts wandering as I look around more at the crushed truck. “Uh, miss. I wouldn’t-” I hear someone say as I look to my right.

I gasp, then scream, then start crying all in the matter of ten seconds. My eyes must be lying to me, I think as I see a bloody, scratched up Kayla next to me. Tears start rolling down my face as I start panicking. The door comes off, and I see freedom on the left of me. I grab my phone that’s on the floor and unbuckle my seatbelt, adrenaline rushing through my veins as I get help getting out. My legs are weak, so when I try stepping onto the grass and glass, I fall to my knees, causing them to get scratched up.

Looking around at my surroundings, I see various cars and people. The highway is blocked off, so traffic is backed up. A cop and an EMT helps me stand up and get to my feet. They sling my arms over their shoulders, and start walking me towards a bed that’s on the road. I sit down and realise that Kayla is still in the truck, trying to be pulled out. The EMT starts checking me over and I speak up, “My best friend is still in that truck! Go help her! I’m fine!” The EMT, whose name I learned is Sasha, tells me, “We have people trying to get her out of the truck. That’s our first priority.” I look over her shoulder and see more people trying to get her out from the driver's side. I feel a blanket get wrapped over me as she starts picking out glass from my arms. “Can you… Can you take my phone and call Dylan, please? He needs to know..” I ask the cop next to me, he nods, takes my phone after I tell him the passcode and walks off, going through my contacts list and finding Dylan.

I watch him carefully as his fingers tap onto the screen with ease, and he lifts my phone to his ear. His lips start moving and I know he answered the phone.

*Dylan’s POV*

I wait for Kayla to respond to the group chat, but after an hour of nothing I start blowing up both of their phones, in hopes of one of them answering me. I stop after 67 messages. Eventually my phone rings and I get up seeing that it’s Tori, probably going to yell at me for how many messages I sent. Though, she would probably text it. Hm. I answer my phone and instead of hearing her voice on the other end I hear a man's voice.

“Hello. Is this Dylan?” He asks me. I respond, “Uh, yes. What did Tori do this time?” “Uh, nothing… But I do have bad news for you, your friend Tori got into a car accident with her best friend… Tori asked me to call you to let you know.” I freeze, not thinking this would ever happen. Tori was a good driver, we all knew that. But what caused it?

After getting information as where it happened, I hang up and start to panic, I rush out the door and head to my car. Driving as fast as I possibly can, I start heading towards the highway.

*Tori’s POV*

The cop walks back over and hands me my phone, still not knowing how it survived, I put it in my pocket. I watch as Sasha picks glass out of my arms because I can’t bare to watch them pull my best friend out of the broken car. I haven’t talked to anyone since I asked the cop to call Dylan. Sasha and Jake -another EMT- keep asking me questions and I keep ignoring them and their questions.

Jake turns to me and asks, “Would you like to know Kayla’s condition?” I snap my head toward him and nod. The only thing I currently care about at the moment is lying on a bed. “Tori… She’s- She’s gone…” I stare at him, then pull my hand away from Sasha, both of them landing on my face and tears instantly start rolling down my cheeks. Eventually Dylan gets there, and finds out what happened. He cried too.

Kayla and I both got rushed to the hospital. I had to get worked on there because I kept refusing the EMT’s to work on me. I wanted to be alone.

But here I sit, another long hour later, alone in a hospital room like I wanted. Kayla’s parents showed up after I kicked my parents out of the room, again, wanting to be alone for a while. My parents didn’t care about the truck and the fact that it was basically totalled. Kayla’s parents said hi, asked what happened and then both left after 15 minutes of explanation. They both left crying and I felt horrible. Dylan stayed for a while too, he didn’t want to leave me alone, just like my parents… But I also asked him to leave and told him that I would message him later.

He nodded and left, leaving me alone to my thoughts.

-1 week later-

I was finally released after a couple days of close watch to make sure I didn’t have anything else wrong with me. The funeral was… Well it was sad, like most funerals are. Her parents did a really good job planning it, and we all agreed it was actually beautiful. Everyone who wanted to say something did, even Dylan and I. We celebrated her life, not crying over her death… Even though there weren't dry eyes in the whole building.

So many people showed up and brought flowers. Her family and friends cried, even my parents and family who knew her cried as well. I didn’t stay for the dinner after with my family, I just went home and cried more.

*Kayla’s POV*

I watched as so many people cried over me at the funeral, it was a beautiful place. There were so many flowers and everything that I liked. It was… Nice. I looked good, I like the outfit my family put on me. I watched Tori and Dylan closely. They seemed like one of the people who were taking it the worst, along with my family. I know she feels guilty, but it’s not her fault, she should know that. I gave my family hugs, even Dylan and then Tori when she went home.

I whispered in each other their ears, “Don’t be sad, I’m here. I’m always here for you.”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2017 ⏰

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