How we met. (Part 3)

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*Kayla's POV*

I am currently driving on the highway, sick as sick can get. I am not happy that I am sick with a cold. Nor am I happy that I'm driving myself to Dr. Hamilton's office to get a stronger medication instead of this wimpy Dayquil.  I finally give up and pull over, not caring who gets mad. I look at the time on my dash board and decide that its time for more medicine anyway.

I take the shot of the Dayquil and sit back in my seat, waiting for it to kick in. Soon enough someone pulls up behind me and I look in my mirror and see that it's two guys in the car. The driver gets out and starts walking up to my car. I quickly lock the car, not wanting him to try and get in. He knocks on the window and I look up, seeing soft and worried eyes.

I unlock my car, rolling down the window.  "Hello," he states. "Are you okay?" He says, noticing my state. "Hi," I reply, voice insanely raspy. "I'm okay.. My car is at least. Me not so much." I say. "I can tell, you look really sick." He says, stating the obvious. "I know. I'm supposed to be going to my Doctors but I had to pull over to take some more medicine." I tell him, coughing just to end up proving my statement.

"My name is Alfred. My friends call me America." He says, holding out a hand for me to shake. I look at him and then his hand, then back at him. "I'm sick." I say, sadly declining his offer. "Do you want me to drive you? My friend England and I were just heading up that way anyway. He can meet me there." He offers a deal I can't leave sitting on the table. I think about it for a couple seconds, then nod. Agreeing to his standing offer.

"Okay. I can take that deal." I say, smiling. He smiles back, then running off to tell his friend what the plan is. He soon returns and I get out, fixing the blanket around my shoulders that has two sweatshirts and a T-shirt as well as a tank top underneath. I also have heavy sweatpants on and slippers to cover my feet. He looks at me funny as I start walking to the passenger side. "What? I'm sick... I have a cold and I'm incredibly cold." I respond, shaking. "It's 85 degrees out." He says.

"Still cold..." I say, stepping into the heated car again, but on the passengers side. He gets in and starts complaining how hot it is. I chuckle, as he gets in the drivers side and starts driving off to the Doctors office. We start small talking and I learn that he is 23, as well as other things like his favorite color, what music he likes and a lot more.

We end up at Dr. Hamilton's office and he parks, coming inside with me. I see his friend parked next to us, waiting for him. "You don't have to come inside with me you know. I think after I get stronger medication in my system I should be a little better to be able to drive." I say, stopping and looking at him. "I know. But I don't want you to be lonely in that boring office." He blushes, rubbing the back of his neck.

I blush as well, only to agree to let him come back with me. I head up to the desk to check in, and then go sit down. Not to long after I get called back and America pops up, coming with me.

*After the appointment*

"Thank you for coming back with me. It would have been boring without anyone." I say, blushing as we head to my car. I had taken some medication for my cold while in the office so I'm feeling a little better and more alive then I was before, parked on the side of the highway. "It was not problem. I got to meet a beautiful lady." He smiles, I smile back and he grabs his phone from his back pocket. "Can I get your number? I want to see you again. Maybe when your less sick." He chuckles, but hopeful. I nod, blushing and we exchange phones. I put mine in and he puts his in mine.

"I hope to see you soon." He says, handing my phone back to me. He takes his and I grab mine. He starts walking backwards, not taking his eyes off of me, only to run into a pole. I laugh for the first time today. He smiles, knowing he made me laugh. He then gets in the driver side of his car, taking over driving again. We wave goodbye to each other and I get in my car.

*Now at home*

I walk into the house that my best friend, Tori and I share. I start taking off layers, now not so cold. This stuff Dr. Hamilton gave me really works fast. I quickly text America back and go search for her. "Tori!" I have something to tell you!" I yell running up the stairs to her room.


Hey y'all! Here's another one shot for you. It's not requested, but I just thought to make a prequel of the other America stories I made for my best friend. Your welcome! Enjoy!

One-Shots!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz