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(A/N: Warning. Possible triggers. Depression and suicidal thoughts included. Don't read if you can't handle it. Anyway, enjoy if you can. Love you all, Amber! PS: I promise they won't all be this depressing.)


In a carbon dioxide world
I got tired of oxygen
But I pushed on and on
Breathed in and out
Because they told me to

Oxygen is my poison of choice
I'll just live on with this poison
The antidote mere inches away
But physical force making me stay

I wish they'd let me go
But they keep me here
So I breathe in and out
Converting my poison
To poison for the earth

Sometimes I just want to tear up the trees
So they stop producing poison for me
But I can't do more
Than make more carbon dioxide
In a world I don't even want to be in
But I stay for them
I breathe in and out
Poisoning my lungs but making others happy

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