sorry (but no hug)

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(A/N: I've been involved in a show, and our assistant director told everyone in the cast and crew that before the end of the day if they had drama with anyone for any reason they needed to go up to that person and apologize and give them a hug. well I missed that but I have drama. and I'd like to put it here because literally one person reads these. so here's my drama and apologies. I have several. -amber)

Of course the first one, because you're the one I have the most drama with. and of course I do, we dated. and the last time I was in a show with you we cuddled backstage. but this time it was not even friendly. we couldn't even look at each other. and I want to apologize. I've made everything awkward. I so desperately wanted to be with you that I pushed you away and I misunderstood your need for space and unfollowed you and tried to push myself away. I'm sorry for being a terrible girlfriend and never knowing how I felt and I'm sorry for figuring that out way too late. I'm also sorry for not having the guts to say any of this to your face. Ever. I'm sorry for not supporting you sooner. I'm sorry for every spiteful thought I've ever had about you and/or Jade. And I'm sorry for trying to get you back so many times after you were already with Jade. I'm sorry for everything.

Probably the only other person I have real drama with. I still don't really understand why you don't like me. I've been trying so hard to be nothing but nice to you, especially since you told me you were upset with me, but I still feel nothing but hostility from you. I still feel like you don't like me. I'm not sure what it is, but I'm sorry. I'm sorry for every unintentional thing I've ever said that's hurt your feelings, I'm sorry for making you feel as if I didn't care, I'm sorry for being the shitty friend I am, I'm sorry for being rude to you with the a cappella group thing and I'm sorry for putting down things you say/do/your food habits. I'm sorry for being rude to your friends, even if it was unintentional and I'm sorry for anything else I may have said or done that I'm forgetting right now. Sorry.

I mean I don't really think I have drama with you, but savanna said you were mad at me for something. So whatever it was, I'm really sorry. I know I can be a little rude sometimes and I can say hurtful things without thinking first. I know I probably said some vaguely rude things during the a cappella group thing, even if I wasn't trying to. all I know is that you're one of my only friends and I don't want to have ruined that. so I'm really sorry.

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