good girl

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(A/N: I just broke up with my boyfriend of 6 months because I felt horrible in that relationship and I felt pressured to do things I didn't want to and like he didn't respect me. so here's the product of that. -Amber)

good girl

you made me believe
that I could be loved
and for that I'll thank you

but I can never forgive
the times you've made me feel
absolutely worthless

I've always been meek
I avoid confrontation
I'm a pushover

you took advantage
of my willingness to please
and made me feel so ruined

I was just the good girl
the one who smiled
and played along

I was just the girl
who'd rather do it than explain
why I don't want to

better to get it over with
pretend and fake it
than admit I hate it

when I've said no
and you still go
you make me feel like shit

now I can't be
the good girl
I'm done playing along

I won't take your shit

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