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"I can't believe it's been a whole week already," Kyle sighed, and you hummed a quiet agreement as he murmured, "I miss you

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"I can't believe it's been a whole week already," Kyle sighed, and you hummed a quiet agreement as he murmured, "I miss you. It's been weird not having you here."

In an attempt to lighten the mood, your gut churning slightly at the morose tone of his voice, you chuckled, "Peaceful, I'd imagine. You're not having to chase me down the hall to remind me to put on shoes anymore."

Your boyfriend laughed, but the sound was slightly hollow. His heart wasn't in it, you could tell, and you chewed at your cheek as you tried to think of ways to make him feel better. Already you were setting alarms to remind yourself to call him every morning, and it was surprisingly harder than you'd imagined it would be.

While life on the road was exciting, exhilarating even, it was beyond exhausting, and time seemed to move differently for those of you constantly on the move. The morning was a relative term, and no longer a specific time of day. When you were arriving at hotels at three in the morning or just climbing into a van at four after a night of celebrating a good show, the idea of what morning was lost all meaning.

It was a blast, though. Despite the bags under your eyes that were growing heavier by the day, and the constant state of tiredness, you were running on a high you'd never felt before in your life. Each show seemed to go better than the last, and you weren't sure you'd ever get used to it or grow tired of it–you didn't want to, either.

You were making friends and making memories that you'd hold near and dear for the rest of your days. Pidge was like the cool older sister you'd never had but always wanted, or maybe the drunk aunt that always made holidays and family events more interesting. The two of you spent the majority of your time together, and if you weren't with her then you were with the band.

Josh and Jake had quickly taken up the role of your older brothers for the duration of the tour, much to your chagrin as they took the part a little too seriously. Josh teased you relentlessly, constantly poking fun at you and cracking quick-witted jokes that left you stuck in a strange limbo between amazement and annoyance. He liked to push you around and pinch you, and he ruffled your hair just to laugh when you glared at him.

Jake was just as charmingly annoying, but he was a bit more doting. He'd gang up on you with Josh, but just as quickly turn the tables on his twin when he could sense that you were reaching your limit. He was often the one to sense when you were feeling overwhelmed, or lost, and he offered you advice whenever he could. He also liked to drink you under the table, too. They all liked to do that, though.

Danny was your partner in crime. The two of you had secretly waged a prank war against the other three guys following the second show, and they had yet to figure out who was the culprit of all the jokes. So far you had straightened Josh's hair when he'd made the unwise decision to take a nap, convinced Jake his hotel room was haunted by sneaking in while he was asleep to wreck it (and steal all of his left shoes), and you'd put food coloring in Sam's body wash so he was left with nicely pinkened skin after his morning shower.

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