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they meet sarv in this episode BUT NOT IMMEDIATELY
if you dont wanna read this part of the dialogue which is super bad then skip to the time skip-

Keisha/Keith/Other's POV○○

Okay. I would've expected like, an idiot, or football jock, or a cheerleader, mathlete, scientific wannabe, anybody.

But I didn't expect her to sit next to me.

The bell rang loudly as I flinched at the horrible sound echoing through the school. The teacher underlined his name on the board. "Hello, everyone. I'm Mr. Sun. I'm your math teacher."

I said No duh. in sign language as the teacher looked my way. "Yes, duh. In fact, you're one of my newest students. Why don't you come up here and introduce yourself?"

That's when I stopped. I looked up, my dull, white eyes fading to grey as the whole world turned into a shade of dark purple. I sat there, slouching in my seat, just facing forward.

Right at the moment, Ruv walked in and caught my eye. "I knew it was you." He walked up in front of the class as I stood up and walked forward.

Ruv's POV■■

"They expect me to introduce myself." They said in a tone that I recognized very quickly. "How do I do that?" They raised their arms.

"Don't you speak any language?" I asked.

Their arms went limp. "I'd rather kill myself than risk the chance of anybody hearing my voice."

"You can't die." I responded.

"Whatever! Just- What do I do?" They looked up and groaned.

"Just use sign language."

They looked at me with anger in their eyes. Their eyes glowed an angry shade of pink as their eyes pierced through mine.

I glared back. I crossed my arms and leaned on the desk. Their eyes glowed a darker shade, but brighter in light.

This intimidation contest seemed like forever until they growled. "FINE."

"Thank you." I got up to walk to class when I held the top of their head to look at me. "You know I love you, knucklehead."

"I love you too, blockface. Now get out." They pointed towards the door as I let go of their head and waved. I walked out of class, ran to mine, and sat back down. Everything went back to its original shade.

(OC/N)'s POV

They hesitated before sitting up. Still looking forward, but down still, they walked in front of the classroom, and started doing hand gestures. That's when the sign language started translating everything they said.

"Hi, my name is (Keisha/Keith/Other), I'm 18, I guess, I'm self taught, and- Excuse me?" They did a hand signature that I didn't understand, while most people in the class that knew sign language looked shocked, gasped, and whispered to one another. I whispered to one of the kids in front of me.

"What did they say??" I leaned forward, then they leaned back.

"They just cursed." He whispered back. I gasped, my eyes widened, then I sat back in my seat. They were allowed to use that kind of language when they were at home?

They walked back to their seats as other students whispered about them. They gave me a...weird vibe. Like, one that sends chills down my spine.

♤Time skip ~ Lunch Break♤
◇I will provide you with a lunch quote:
Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what's for lunch. -Orson Welles◇

>Between the Two< ~FNF College Story~ □Major Cringe-□ Where stories live. Discover now