into you

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Y/n was with Luise. She liked spending time with Luise and helped her relax. She slowly started started falling for the strong female sitting next to her. Y/n blushed a bit as she looked down not knowing what to say to Luise. She moved her hair out her face.

"What's on your mind Y/n? It looks like something is bothering you." Luise said to her. "It's nothing Luise. Don't worry about it." Y/n said with a soft smile as she looked up. Luise smiled at her close friend. Luise really liked and didn't say anything.

~few days later~

"I'm so into you Luise... I can barely breathe." Y/n muttered as she watched her sleeping friend. Y/n was sleeping over for the night. "all I wanna do....
Is to fall in deep." She muttered as she kissed her check and then later down next down to her.

Luise opened her eyes and looked at Y/n. "Y/n...close ain't close enough... 'Til we cross the line." She said with a small smirk. Y/n looked up at her and blushed. She looked away from her. She didn't know what to say at all to her.

Luise liked seeing her blush. She thought it was really cute a lot. "Um Y/n...." Luise said. "yes?" She asked looking up at her with her e/c eyes that Luise ever so loved. "I think I like you more then a friend." Luise said softly to her.

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