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Bruno and Y/n fell in love when they where younger. They used to hold hands and that was enough ot them when they where younger. When they got older they started to touch more. Y/n loved the time they spend together. They sneak off to the eastside of the village.

Over the years they did it more often. It was like the sun didn't set when ever they where together. Used to kiss underneath the star light and still do. They couldn't help it They where in love.  Y/n held bruno's hand. She know she found her soul mate.

Bruno blushed and looked down a bit. "I really like you Y/n." He said softly. "I like you too." Y/n said to him and smiled. She moved her hair out her face and looked at him before kissing him. Bruno kissed back and put his arms around her.


The two turned 23 and got married and found out Y/n was pregnant with their first child. Y/n and Bruno waited to tell Alma about the pregnancy along with his sisters. The family didn't know much about Y/n and wanted to most being protective of the only boy.

Y/n glanced at Bruno as Pepa started talking to her, "If you hurt my little brother you will regret it." She said. Y/n looked at the auburn haired woman. "I don't plan on hurting him at all. I love him." Y/n said with a soft small.

Y/n know she wanted to spend forever with Bruno. "He is my soul mate. I can't see my life without him." Y/n said softly with a smile as she watched Bruno walk by them both. Pepa smiled a hit. "Just.... be careful. He is the only boy."

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