Bouquet of Flowers [Taejin]

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Excerpt: About a young man who works in a call center and has an encounter with an angry customer.

There was a man named Jin who worked as a technical support specialist in a call center. It was very busy and the phones were ringing off the hook. He was having trouble keeping up with the huge number of calls.

Shortly after lunch, Jin answered the phone and there was a very angry customer, named Taehyung on the other end. Taehyung said he had been waiting on hold for almost 45 minutes. Jin apologized for keeping him waiting, but Taehyung was very agitated and didn’t want to listen to his excuses.

When Jin was not able to find a solution to his problem immediately, he became even more upset. Jin put Taehyung on hold and, when he came back, Taehyung became very hostile towards Jin. Jin asked him to remain calm and assured him that he would fix his problem as soon as possible.

No matter what Jin said, it just seemed to make Taehyung more and more angry. He was shouting at him, ranting and raving about how Jin was wasting his precious time and complaining about how much money the phonecall was costing him.

Eventually, the irate customer began cursing and swearing at him and Jin was forced to hang up on him. An hour later, Taehyung called back. His attitude was even worse. He flew into a rage and demanded to know why he had hung up the phone. When he started using foul language again, Jin slammed down the receiver.

At the end of the day, Taehyung called back again. This time he had calmed down and seemed embarrassed. He apologized for his rude behavior and asked Jin his name, telling him he wanted to send him something to make up for it.

“Oh, you don’t need to do that,” said Jin.

“No, no, I really want to,” replied Taehyung. “Just a little present to show how sorry I am.”

“We’re not actually supposed to give out our names,” Jin said warily.

“Just give me your first name then,” Taehyung said.

“Well… OK. My name is Jin,” he replied.

Sure enough, when Jin arrived at work the next morning, there was a lavish bouquet of flowers sitting on his desk. There was a card with the flowers that had his name on it. Jin was delighted. Nobody had ever sent him flowers before.

At the end of the day, when his shift ended, Jin said goodbye to his co-workers, picked up the bouquet of flowers and walked out to the carpark

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At the end of the day, when his shift ended, Jin said goodbye to his co-workers, picked up the bouquet of flowers and walked out to the carpark. He wanted to get the flowers home quickly so he could put them in a vase.

As he was about to get into his car, he turned around and saw a tall man in a black suit walking towards him. Suddenly the man pulled out a gun and pointed it at him.

“Nobody hangs up on me!” he shouted as he pulled the trigger.

Jin was shot four times and died on the way to hospital. The police tracked down the man who shot him and arrested him. It turned out that murderer's name was Taehyung. He was the angry customer.

He had sent the bouquet of flowers in order to identify Jin.

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