Red Roses [Namjin]

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Excerpt: About a young man who has to pass the love test set by the most beautiful man of the town, inorder to 'conquer' him.

There lived once, a beautiful breathtaking young man, whom people liked to call the rose boy, the mysterious maid, or the sinister lover. But he liked to call himself 'Jin'.

The town had the rumours spread, that in the depth of the forest, where white roses bloom with sunlight's kisses, nearby them, he lived in a brown wooden tree house.

For his beauty, he was a subject of talk among the young ladies. Every man and woman in the town, if asked, wanted to conquer the beauty of the town.

But giving away something so precious, so rare, to the hands of the greedy souls, who wanted nothing but his body, was quite hard for Jin.

Thus, one had to pass a 'test', inorder to live with the boy for eternity. But the consequences, after failing it, were however quite nerve-wracking.

There was a reason, why Jin was called sinister. People had sightings of dead bodies with their heads chopped off and a rose full of thorns stabbed into their chest, laying in the depths of the forest, near Jin's place. They claimed that it was none other than the merciless beauty, who did this, with the ones who failed his 'test'.

People were afraid. But at the same time, they couldn't resist Jin's beauty in the portraits drawn by hermits, thus, wanted to get a glance of him in the real life.

And one of them was, 'Namjoon'.

Namjoon was an ordinary boy, but he was witty. People said, that this boy, gave answers to every questions differently, viewed each situation differently, and somehow always got the best results.

Namjoon, however, after rejecting many young ladies' proposals for his charming looks and witty brain, was still unmarried and searching for his true love.

The one who understands him, and his desires.

After having a glance of the famous artworks of 'the beauty of the town', Namjoon knew, that he was the one.

And thus, one afternoon, he went to the depth of the nature- 'the forest of beauty' where Jin was said to be inhabiting.

Namjoon was nervous, he ofcourse, like any other person, knew about the test, but that wasn't the reason of his nervousness. He was nervous to witness the beauty, 'Jin', with his own eyes.

"Oh how beautiful were his red lips, looked like god must have crushed and applied fresh rose petals to them."

"His brown eyes, they looked like a pool of honey, how could someone be so unnatural, so breathtakingly beautiful."

Thoughts like these floated around in Namjoon's mind as he continued his journey. The smile on his face never leaving, for the first time he was happy.

After Namjoon reached his destination, which was infront of a beautiful tree house, he nervously waited for the right moment.

After he calmed down, he took a giant pebble in his hands and threw them at the door which made a 'knock' sound in the eerily silent forest.

That's when Jin stepped out of the house and walked down the stairs, blessing Namjoon with his presence.

Namjoon couldn't keep his eyes off the brunette. "Much more beautiful in actual life." he said as he took Jin's hands and kissed them.

"I'm just another boy, who came to your door, in hopes of love" Namjoon smiled and showed his cute dimples which Jin kind of found unique.

"Giving away something so precious to you, isn't easy young boy. I hope you know about the test and the consequences of failing it.." Jin said with a mischievous smirk on his face.

"Ofcourse I do, my dear.." Namjoon replied with a smile, this time a more big one.

"Aren't you afraid youngman?" Jin asked while plugging some white roses from near the tree bark.

"I'm not, after I witnessed your beauty with my own eyes, I'm somehow more confident." Namjoon replied actually confidently.

"Well..." Jin said smiling as he handed the white roses to Namjoon.

"You must make the roses red without adding any artificial colour to it, if you successfully do, then I'm all yours, Mr..." Jin said while staring straight at Namjoon's soul.

"Namjoon" he said while smiling to himself. Suddenly, he took out something sharp from his backpack. It was, a pocket knife.

Then Namjoon said "All for you my love, I give my life to you." And in no second, he slid the knife and cut his own neck. Blood oozed out of the red line in his neck and yet, Namjoon had a peaceful smile on his face.

The blood painted all the white roses red, and hence, he passed the test.

With a satisfied look plastered on Jin's face, he knew, that he got his true love, after searching for a whole decade, and killing approximately more than 100 men. Finally someone who isn't selfish for his own good and someone who can sacrifice his life for him. Finally someone who just didn't love his outer beauty but actually loved 'him'. "Namjoon" Jin said with a faint smile on his face.

Jin bent down and picked up the now dead body of Namjoon, who had a smile on his face with his beautiful dimples in a bridal style and kissed him on the lips.

"Now you are mine, and I'm yours, forever till the eternity.." Jin said as he took the white roses and tear his own neck with the help of the thorns in the stems.

No one will never forget this, the whole kindgdom will never forget about this test.

-"To paint my roses red, someone has to lose his head"

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