Online Boyfriend [Sope]

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Excerpt: About a boy who fears that he is being followed home. He tells his online boyfriend about it, but he says he is just being paranoid.

Hoseok could hear the footsteps behind him as he walked towards his home. The thought of being followed made his heart beat faster and faster.

“I’m just being silly,” he told himself. “Nobody is following me.”

To be safe, he began to walk faster, but the footsteps kept pace with him. He was afraid to look behind him and he was glad he was almost home.

“Please let me get home safe and sound,” he thought.

Hoseok saw the porch light was on and he leaned against the door for a moment, relieved to be in the safety of his own home. He glanced out the window to see if anyone was there. The sidewalk was empty.

After tossing his books on the sofa, he decided to grab a snack. Then, he switched on his laptop and went online. He logged on under his screen name Hope16.

Checking his list of friends, he saw that Suga16 was on. He was his online boyfriend. They had been dating for more than a month. Although they had never seen each other in person, they were planning to meet up during the school holidays.

Hoseok decided to send him an instant message:

Hope16: Hi. Glad you are on! I thought someone was following me home today. It was really weird!

Suga16: LOL You watch too many horror movies. Why would someone be following you? I thought you told me you lived in a safe neighborhood?

Hope16: Of course I do. LOL I guess it was just my imagination. I didn’t see anybody when I looked out the window.

Suga16: You’re just being paranoid.

Hope16: I guess so. For a while there, I was worried I had a stalker.

Suga16: That’s not possible. Unless you gave your real name out online. You haven’t done that have you?

Hope16: Of course not. I’m not stupid you know.

Suga16: Cool. So how was school today?

Hope16: We played softball and my team won!!

Suga16: That’s great! Who did you play?

Hope16: We played the Asheville Hornets. LOL. Their uniforms are so gross! They look like bees. LOL

Suga16: LOL. What’s your team called?

Hope16: The Canton Wildcats. We have tiger paws on our uniforms. They’re really cool.

Suga16: Nice. Did you pitch?

Hope16: No I play second base. Lucky number 7. Anyway, I got to go. Gotta finish my homework before my parents get home.

Suga16: What time do they get home?

Hope16: Usually around 8.

Suga16: Aw! Do you really have to go?

Hope16: Sorry. I don’t want my folks to get mad and ground me or something. Bye!

Suga16: OK. Catch you tomorrow. Missing you already.

Hope16: I love you. Bye!

Suga16: I love you too, baby. Talk to you later.

Hoseok signed out and shut down his laptop. With a sigh, he opened his bag and took out his school books.

Meanwhile, Suga 16 was still online. He searched for Hope16's profile and when it came up, he took out a pen and began to write down what he had learned about Hope16 so far:

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