It was a rainy day.

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Itadori's Pov,

God definitely gave me the strength to not slap this bitch in the face.

It's 5:55 pm and it's 5 minutes more before my shift ends, after this I'll have to take my ass down the subway, take the train to china town and work at an over priced family restaurant, it's raining cats and dogs with sudden flashes of thunder; no one should be out by now yet here I am; working a minimum wage job and having a face off with a woman to old to be throwing a tantrum.

It's been 2 hours of absolute torture as I once again face my mortal enemy, the Kraken which is born with the name Natalie. Natalie is a short, brown haired female with an eyebrow as thin as my patience and an oversized mouth filled to the brim with insults. Her beautiful face is decorated with makeup and butterfly pins on her hair, she wore a loose white shirt and black leggings with a heeled slipper; she is what I would call a Millennial Karen.

Customer service is a scam; I should have learned that in school, they should have taught me that though I doubt a degree in computer science would land me into this honorable mine field of a job.

"For the last time ma'am I can't take your things back without a recite" I, for the 10th time repeated to the nice nice 35 year old lady who should have been more busy with something else other than arguing over the cashier with her spoiled poorly packaged salad, she should be.....I don't know...doing yoga? Running a multi billion dollar company or running for presidency- anything else other than fighting with me on this lovely lovely Thursday afternoon.

"I bought it here! See it's in the plastic" Natalie huffed a smile as if she had just provided the sole information that would have me falling into my knees and asking for forgiveness, but despite having barely any dignity left I squared my shoulder and looked at her. "Ma'am earlier today I saw you digging through the trash and yanking out this plastic that's not even labeled by our company, ma'am this is Target not-" I turned the plastic around "not Amy's sweet shop" I raised an eyebrow.

Natalie turned red, anger and embarrassment sipping through her white cheeks and flushing down her neck. "I want to speak to the manager!" She said with a snarl, eyebrows narrowed and nose flared.

"I also want to speak to the manager about my upcoming promotion but I have just been informed that Philip is in his Philip Time which means he won't be showing his face around until closing time" thank God I was nice to not add that to the last sentence. "Because he's too busy trying to come up with an argument with Stacey for something I have lost interest in and would probably kill me if I listen in''

I sighed. "Look between you and Me, I really hate you and this job but I need to pay my overpriced rent and come home to an empty apartment and think about why I landed in customer service and not scavenging someone else's brain in the name of science or sheer boredom" I smiled. "So for the sake of your dignity and my loosely hanging sanity you will take your disgusting garbage bin plastic, walk out the door and pretend nothing happened"

"H-how dare you! I-I am an honest customer and this is outrageous!" Natalie screamed and slammed her hand on the counter snatching her plastic towards her- did something just dripped?!- nope don't think about it!! I inhaled then exhaled; namaste.

"And I am an overworked cashier who is not paid enough to handle your temper tantrum, please leave before I call security" I tried to bargain.

I'm not always this snappy, I try my best to maintain a professional front Infront of valued customers who brings food into my table but working strictly from 7 to 8 and barely having any breaks with constant fall of staff and having to cover for them in the one day I call my break for an entire month in 3 different jobs would inevitable leave me annoyed to grown women whining about their bad salad that's been opened and eaten demanding a refund, I think— no, I have every right to snap.

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