Aftermath of a trial

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After we returned back to the hotel after that gruesome execution we all stayed silent while Sundrop ran off.

Katie: This feeling,is this what they want us to feel?

Pal: I believe it's called despair but we have to find Sundrop first then we can talk.

We walked out of the room while everyone was trying to keep calm or from tearing up.

Katie: Sundrop? Are you here?

We looked through the hallways,pool, laundry,gym and kitchen but we couldn't find him. We even checked the boys bathroom from earlier and we didn't see Guzma there no more so we started checking the rooms until we got to Frisk's room which was slightly open. When we walked in we saw here training for key,a picture of her and her friends I assume and a journal.

Pal: What's this for?

She picked up the journal and opened it.

Day 0

I'm here again,I thought I won the last game but I guess not. Now I have to find a way out of here.

I meet someone named Sundrop,Katie and Pal. Though that Robot is onto something especially when they held me up.

Yup,just great I'm stuck with fifteen other morons and now we have to kill to get out, shouldn't be that hard since I killed one last game,maybe a year ago? I can't remember since but I still have the feeling despair lingering around me, hopefully it will go away.

The next page was torn, probably for the note she sent Guzma.

Finally I got to explore the place a bit before that yellow moron came back to me and forced me with him. Luckily I managed to trick him when I went to the bathroom so I continued exploring the place looking for what I could used to kill someone here.

Nothing.All they have here are knifes,pans,poison and other stuff. F**k it I'm killing him with my hands, it's not like Monokuma took my claws away. I just hide it under my fur.

I heard someone coming so I hid. When I looked at them they were wearing black, white and red. It's not Monokuma, there too tall. I'll ask Monokuma later.

I learned something I wasn't supposed to know. He told me one of the ultimate's is the mastermind of this. I'm going to end this killing game once again,kill and don't be caught. I have no time to find this mastermind I'm not the third ultimate detective but he said my ultimate was survivor because I survived the last killing game.

I decided my target was going to be Guzma. It was a tie between Katie and him but he was older so I had the advantage and he has the same colored clothes so it could be possible he's linked to the game.

Okay here's the plan

1. After midnight around 5:00 to 7:00 I'll send the note to him while I'll prepare for his arrival

2. When he arrives I make sure no one is around to see him. I'll make sure the walls are also sound proof.

3. When he enters the bathroom I'll lock him in and slash him in the eyes blinding him then his wrist right where the vein should be.

4. After he passed I'll take his key and start hiding the evidence then the body.

5. I'll wash all the blood off and change my hat and bandana so it looks like nothing happened them dispose them away.

6. If I have extra time I'll create false evidence for me to trick them with.

This did not go as plan,he smashed my head against a sink causing me to lose a lot of blood so I did the same to him. After that happened I took his key but on my way to his room I lost it so now I'll have to "borrow" his toolkit and try to lock his door from the inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2022 ⏰

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Danganronpa Despair or hope (NOT DISCONTINED,Moved To A Different Book)Where stories live. Discover now