To college

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Bakugo's POV:

*beep* *beep* *beep*

I slowly arise and ru-


I shoot my head around to see Kirishima no longer on the bed, I rush to see him on the ground, laying in defeat.


"You'll get use to it, now I have clothes in the closet you can wear, and turn human or what ever," Kirishima gets up and walks to the closet closing the door behind him. I start to change and think about my life now that Kirishima is apart of it...what happens when I start dating, is he still gonna be here. I finish getting dressed and start to make a coffee. Kirishima comes out of the room and he looks so different. The only things still the same are his hair and eyes. He is still incredibly hot.

"Good morning Bakugo!"

"Shut up, it's too early."



"What did you plan me to be to you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Did you intend me to just be your friend? Or more?"


"You partner? Boyfriend? That type of relationship." My breathe gets heavy, that he is here I have no idea what this is gonna be...

"Y-your my friend, for now."

Kirishima's POV:

Hm makes sense. Ever sinse I got here, he hasn't even been friendly...but friendly in his own way. He probably just summoned me for company, I get it! Not what I exspected though. When a hot young adult that lives by himself summons a sex demon, then it would make more sense if he summoned me for some sexual desire or something. But this is kinda nice, now I have a friend! A crazy hot friend...NOPE, your his friend, nothing more you creep. I get my shit together and get my breathe steady and smile at the blonde in front of me.

"Of course! That's perfect!" for a sec I though I could see him smile just a bit, but that might be my imagination. Bakugo grabs his bag and we make our way to his college.

(At his first class)

Me and Bakugo walk into this HUGE lecture hall, and oh my god was it coooool. It had a pretty good amount of students, and a older man at the front of the room. Bakugo grabs my hand and walks me over to a pair of seats that were far away from any of the other students. We sit down and the teacher starts to talk. He goes on about physics and science shit. Well science declares for me not to be real, so I don't like the thought of it. I start to zone out and eventually fall asleep.

Then a girl starts shaking me awake. I look over to see Bakugo gone and just this girl with brown hair and pink cheeks, and some guy with freckles and green hair trying to wake me up.

???- "Wake up! Class is over new guy!"

???- "Yeah hurry the other students are gonna walk in soon,"

"W-what, ok ok I get it, you can stop shaking me,"

???- "Oh, Ha! My bad!"

"Where is Bakugo?"

???- "Down there, why? Are yall friends?!" I follow the green haired guy's finger to Bakugo at the front with the old guy, talking.

"Yeah we are friends, I gotta go."

???- "Wait! You and him are friends?! Who knew it was possible!" I stop in my tracks to turn over to the brunette.

"What do you mean?..."

???- "Well let's just say he has a bad wrap when it comes to making friends..."

"Hm..What are your names?"

???- "Oh! I'm Uraraka!"

???- "Midoriya." The both smile, their adorable. They are like little kids, and they are nice!

"I'm Kirishima, nice to meet ya-"

Bakugo- "KIRISHIMA COME ON LET'S GO! WE HAVE CLASS!" Bakugo yells my way, and I could see him kinda pissed, wonder why...

"hm- Well I better go! Bakugo is calling." I wave bye and leave to catch up with Bakugo. When I make it to Bakugo he rolls his eyes at me. This man is bold for giving me attitude, but eh I'll go along with it.

"What's wrong?"

"Just shut up shitty hair-"

"Dude- my hair isn't that different from yours. What's wrong?"




"What do you mean HM?!"

"Well it's gonna be tireing when you don't tell me what's wrong Bakubro." I say boldy, trying to sound serious.

"Tch." I role my eyes. I have to get him to open up some how...

"Fine don't tell me, I guess I have no reason to be here then. Ima go hang out with Midoriya and Uraraka." I start walking away.

"WHAT!? NO!" He grabs my wrist and I look back into his eyes.

"...why?" we stay, staring daggers into each other. His head falls to the ground and he lets go of me.

"Because those extras are idiots, I'm better to hand out with anyways!" He gives me a grin thats too sharp for the bare eyes.

"Well they seemed cool~"

"WHAT!? NOoOoOO, dumb deku is a cry baby, and Pink cheeks is..." He pauses at his words and stares at the wall. Does he think there isn't anything wrong about her...

" you like Uraraka?" I question. His eyes go wide and his hands form to fist.

"WHAT?! ARE YOU A DUMBASS?! NO I DON'T LIKE HER!"....he probably likes her.


"I'm gay shittyhair." I feel my heart drop.

"Seriosly? SAME BRO!" I put my hand up for a high five, but he does't do the same. I give him a sad look and he just clicks his tounge at me.

*My Demon* (KirishimaxBakugo)Where stories live. Discover now