The sleepover (This time with a demon)

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Bakugo's POV

Kirishima claims to be hiding the walls and I start letting Sero inside my apartment. The moment he steps in the lights flicker. As I begin to shut the door Mina and Kaminari come running in behind him. Thats when something glass in the kitchen breaks, and the lights flicker again. He's doing a good job, he has their arm hairs standing.

Kam- "S-so where is he?"

Sero- "Whats going on with the lights?"

"Oh he is here, Kirishima come on out!" A strange wind blows through the apartment it blows books and blankets and objects everywhere around the whole room, this makes every one back up to the door.

Kam- "Bro what the hell?!"

Mina- "Isn't he supposed to be nice?!" Sero backs up to the door, but instead he backs up to the demon himself, Sero slowly turns around to see Kirishima grinning right at him.

"Boo!" Sero falls to the ground.

Kam- "Oh shoot he's kinda hot Bakugo!" Kirishima gets rid of his scary face and smiles nervously at the yellow-haired boy. Mina runs up and hugs Kirishima around the neck.

Mina- "OH MY GOD YOUR SO COOOOOL! You have abs! Your wings are HUGGGE!!!" Kirishima sinks as he gets alot of attention from the two.

Sero- "Wait so your the Cirirsh?! Or atleast part?!" Sero stands up and looks at Kirishima top from bottem.

Kirishima- "Uh...Hi! I'm K-Kirishima, H-HEY NOT THE HORNS!" Kirishima flinches at Mina touching his horns.

Mina- "Why not?"

Kirishima- "It feels weirdd..d..dd..mmMm," Mina continues to touch his horns and Kaminari starts playing with his wings.

"Get off of him."

Sero- "Oh my god your fucking tail is long as HELLL!" I feel my temper start to rise. Kirishima is pratically moaning to Mina's and Kaminari's touch. AND IT'S PISSING ME OFF.

"GET THE HELL OFF OF HIM!" Every one jumps and Kirishima goes back to his normal state.

"He isn't a fucking dog so stop petting him!"

Kirishima- "I mean it felt g-"

"Shut up Kirishima!"

Mina- "You should be nicer Bakugo-"

"Make me!" I sit down on my couch trying to calm down.

Kirishima- "Awwwe, are you jelous Bakugo?" He walks over to the couch and sits next to me, a little TOO close.


Kirishima- "Are you upset im not giving you...attention..." He walks my finger to my chin, pulling my face to face his. Crap why is he so fucking flirty?! What is this feeling, gaaaaah stupid dick.

"Kirishima I will chop off your dick and your wings, and hang them both on my wall." Kirishima's eyes go wide and he goes back to his part of the couch. I could hear the extras snickering behind me.

Sero- "So what should we do now that we know their real?"

Mina- "Ask him questions!"

Kirishima- "I didn't know I was gonna get interviewed-"

Kam- "Didn't you say you would summon your Ciro Sero?"                                                                     

Sero- "I will probably next week."

Mina- "So Kirishima! We heard you were a sex demon, does that mean your like a sex god?" Kirishima's face goes red, and my temper comes back.

Kirishima- "Uhhhhh.."

Kam- "Wait are you a virgin?"

Kirishima- "Uhhhh..."

Sero- "Is your body kinda accominate your sexualilty?"


Mina- "Awwwe Bakugo are you wondering too? It's okay to be curious!"

Kirishima- "Do yall have any questions about my imp counter part?" Kirishima says with a happy but nervous tone.

Sero- "Nah,"

Mina- "Please tell us Kirishima!"

Kirishima- "O-ok...well i'm not a sex god, because god is against pre-marital sex. But, I guess you could say I'm good in bed." Mina smiles and Kirishima comes up to her ear and whispers something inside it. Once he stops, Mina's eyes go wide and her face goes red.

Kam- "That's no fair I wanna know too!"

Kirishima- "...I'll tell you later. And no, I'm not a virgin." This made my heart sink, DO I KNOW WHY, NO! I DONT!

Kirishima- "And I have no Idea, I think it does...Like if a guy were to fuck me, I'm pretty sure I could get pregnant. SOME HOW."

Sero- "What. the fuck."

Kam- "Are you a bottem or top?!"

Mina- "Who have you fucked?!"

Kirishima- "Ima top. And I've had sex with a demon, and two humans."

Sero- "Have you gotten them pregnant?"

Kirishima- "No. The only reason I had sex was because I was bored." My heart was aching at this point, but this was good information to know.

Sero- "What's the devil like?"

Kirishima- "Meh, he's a bitch that's for damn sure." Everyone ooo-ed at Kirishima's remark.

Kam- "Could the Devil kill you for saying that."

Kirishima- "He's used to it. Pratically every person in hell hates him. All he does is he makes things difficult and gets in arguments with fucking god. The only time he actually cared about us demons is when the first Cambion was conceived."

Sero- "What a Cambion?"

Kirishima- "It's what happens when a Human gets impregnanted by a Incubus. A fucking bundle of trouble."

Kam- "There are half demons out there?"

Kirishima- "Hell yeah, sorry to burst your bubble but that's why we have authors and serial killers, and fucking shit-heads that pull the fire-alarm in school so they don't have to go to class. Cambions are the worst things that happended to hell."


"Because they got us in alot of trouble with the goody-two-shoes up stairs. When a Cambion is conceived, it bout near kills it's human mother, or eats it's human father. And they became such a trouble on earth that now pure blood Incubus just grab their Cambions, and sell them off to some hungry demon in hell."

Sero-"What about the not if you had a kid with some human on earth?"

Kirishima- "Hm, it's not possible cause I'm gay. Buuuut it's not gonna be a easy road. It would be part Cambion, Imp, and Ciro. Luckily Ciro kids aren't that bad. However the- WHY AM I STILL TALKING ABOUT THIS!?" Kirishima grabs his knees, curls up into a ball and wraps himself with his wings.

Mina- "Ok ok ok...we will stop, but I have one last request." Kirishima peaks out his head and Mina smirks.

Mina- "Can we see it?"

Kirishima- "See what?"

Mina- "Your peni-"

"WOAH! HELL NO! WHAT THE HELL ASHIDO!?" I stand up blocking Mina from even seeing Kirishima.

Mina- "Ok ok, Kirishima just to make you more comfortable, I'm lesbian. I'm just curious about what you meant earlier."

Kirishima- "I don't mind actually-"


Kam- "Wait what's going on-"

Mina- "Fine Bakugo, sense your so jelous, Kirishima doesn't have to show us untill he shows you."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2022 ⏰

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