Chapter 5. Alone

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Song of the chapter :505 - Artic monkeys

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Song of the chapter :
505 - Artic monkeys

Bellatrix left me speechless and alone in the Malfoy Manor. I had no idea what had just happened and why she disappeared, but I had to figure a way out.

I made my way down the stairs of the dark mansion and after some time I found the door.

Next day

I woke up in bed after a not so restful sleep. My mind kept replaying that moment all night. I couldn't stop thinking about what I did.

Why did I kiss the woman who tried to kill me? The most unkind evil witch there is??

Did I mention she's a death eater??? the worst part about all of this is that I loved it. I had never felt more alive and the thought of it happening again just made my stomach full of butterflies.

Was I going bloody mad? Maybe she cursed me. Maybe I'm just under a spell.

OH GOD, I think I might need an exorcism.

At this point, I panicked. I didn't know who to tell or who to ask, so I went down to the infirmary.

"Hello darling how can I help you today" the nurse greeted me.

"I think I have been cursed," I said anxiously.

"Ooh that can't be good, alright then take a sit I'm gonna be asking you some questions and running some tests to see what's going on," she said as I sat down.

are you experiencing any physical pain? - no

are you having difficulty falling asleep - YES

are you replaying thoughts in your mind - YEs

are you having trouble casting spells - No

after the questionnaire she proceeded to run a magical device through my body. This device scanned for curses and other illnesses.

Turns out I was completely fine. I didn't even have a slight cold.

"Well honey it seems like you're fine," she said in a reassuring tone.

"Maybe there's something specific stressing you out. perhaps the quidditch tournament later today?" she suggested.

BLOODY HELL I completely forgot about the tournament today that IM COMPETING ON.

"Your right," I said as I stormed off.

I haven't been going to practice because I've been so distracted and now I'm going to have to compete with all of this going on. I'm the seeker and Ravenclaw is counting on me so I have to do the best I can.

I put my uniform on and headed to the field.

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