As the Summer Ends

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"Let me just set up the camera real quick and. One. Two. Three. Please introduce yourselves."

"Hello. I'm Choi Ung."

"I'm Kook Yeon-Su."

"We're married."


"Ungie, let's go see the cherry blossoms now please. Last year, you refused too."  Yeon Su asks. Then she placed her hand over my artwork to grab my attention.

Lately, Yeon Su has been very weird. Well she's usually insisting and naggy but she was always rational. So I find it odd that she has these weird requests. And on my busy days too.

"Yeon Su-ya, my exhibit is coming up soon. So I really just need to finish first. We'll go afterwards, okay?" I said, stood up and hugged her from behind. I kissed her neck and sniffed it to tickle her. I whispered in her ear, "I love you."

She smiles but she pulls away from me. Is she annoyed now?

"Yeobo, let's eat first. I cooked spaghetti." Yeon Su asks out of nowhere again.

"Okay but very quickly. I'll get back to work immediately." I said and followed her to the kitchen.

"Wha- why did you cook so much?" I asked because she cooked a pan worth of spaghetti, too much for only two people.

"Let's eat, ungie." she says with a smile on her face. But I just grabbed enough on my plate, ate and told her "Yeobo, thank you for the meal. I'll eat more later. I need to get back to work now."

So I left her in the kitchen eating. At the corner of my eye, I saw her throw her fork to the plate she's eating on as if she was disappointed. So I turned my back for a while and said, "I love you."

"Ungie. Ung-ah. Choi Ung." Yeon Su called for me repeatedly another time.

"Yes. What is it Yeon Su-ya?" I said as I adorably stare at her cute face.

"Drink your jujube tea." she asked as she was smirking.

"Yeobo." I stared at her. I know what follows after I drink this tea. But I'm really tired now. I've been working for at least 70 hours straight. I really want to finish soon.

"I'm really tired, Yeon Su-ya." I instinctively said before drinking my tea.

She grabbed my cup and went to the kitchen to wash it. While her back was at me, she says "Rest first."

I smiled. Thank you for being understanding as always, Yeon Su. With that I stood and said, "I love you."

Finally, the day of my exhibit came. And I'm preparing to head out soon. Yeon Su is always the type to go at the last day or after the exhibit ends. So I did not bother asking her anymore. I just waved at her and said, "Bye, Yeobo. I love you."

After setting up with Eun Ho, I saw Ji-ung walking up to us. I ignored him. I already have an idea on what he wants to ask as he stared at me intently. This brat. Just because he's my bestfriend, he can't just order me around like a pushover.

"Ung, why don't you want to do it?" Ji-ung asks. He knows Yeon-Su isn't here yet for my exhibit. He's probably using this opportunity to pressure me even more.

"Ya! Ji-ung, don't be absurd. Why would we want to do that documentary again, huh?" I furiously asked as he looks through my artworks in the gallery. I also added, "We're happily married now, so why would we even bother?"

"Filming your memories and having a record of it, isn't a chance you always get." he says and added, "Filming again might help you relive your youthful days." he says.

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