Fickle Weathers: Chionophile

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"What if we don't do those things anymore again? Will you break up with me?" Yeon Su asked.

Back then, I laughed and chuckled at her question. I just looked at her eyes and answered, "It's fine, Yeon Su. I didn't even need to for months. I could probably go on for years to forever."

That's what I said the first time we had explored on how to express our feelings through physical touch and deeper intimacy. I might've answered half-heartedly. Not knowing that I would actually go on for years to almost forever...

Without feeling her warmth with mine.


Yeon Su and I sat in her bedroom while watching a western film. The male lead had long blonde curly hair. The scene was getting a little steamy.

"Please be gentle with me. It's-"
"Shh. Don't worry. I'll take care of you."
*explicit making out scene plays*

Yeon Su suddenly sat up to lean closer at her laptop. She looked so eager. Maybe, we can-

"Ung-ah." Yeon Su turned to me with this eager expression. Alright. Seems like she is indeed up for it. I've prepared well and brought protection.

I held on her hand slowly and answered, "Hm?"

"Let's get you a haircut." she said.

"Huh?!" I yelled and I wasn't expecting that.

She hurriedly closed her laptop and pulled me to drag me outside. As we walk, I was ofcourse, a bit let down. I thought we were gonna- sigh. Whatever does Yeon Su want to do with me again? She really always seem to surprise me.

And we finally got a haircut. She had my hair permed while she had her bangs cut short. What was she thinking?

While we walk together home with these weird hairdos, she suddenly held on my hand and whispered "You kinda look like that guy from the movie now. And I kinda look like the girl now too."

I turned to her.

While she was smiling teasingly, she said "Now, let's go back and try what they did."

I see. After she said this, I began running happily. Yeon Su did too. With our hands together, we excitedly ran home to her bedroom. Then, we had shared warmths with our bodies. Just like in that movie.


I visited Yeon Su's place drunk after talking with Ji-ung. She broke up with me after having a date at the amusement park. Why?

I knocked at their gates while yelling for her name "Yeon Su-ya!"

Her grandmother came out their gates to shush me. "Why are you being so noisy out here at such a late hour? And you reek of alcohol too." she said with an annoyed tone.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. It's just. Is Yeon Su there? Can I talk to her?" I asked.

Her grandmother seemed reluctant so I begged and held her hand, "Please ma'am. I'm just going to ask for her to talk with me. And also, she left her sweater with me." My tears uncontrollably fell. I had a lot to drink. And I couldn't hold in my emotions well.

"Please ma'am." I asked again with tears in my eyes.

She sighed deeply and said "You two. How many times has this happened already? Alright, she's in her room. Be quick. I'll brew you tea to help with your intoxication while you both talk."

Again, I had a good amount of liquid courage in my body so I hugged on grandmother tightly and said "Thank you so much!"

As I entered Yeon Su's room, she was lying on her bed as if she was sleeping. I sat beside her. I know she's not sleeping yet. I can see her feet fidgeting. Sigh.

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