Leaves Will Soon Grow

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As promised, Yeon-Su, Kyong and I visited Ji-ung and Chae-ran so that their daughter will have someone to play with. I think this will also be good for Kyong. He seems to take after me. He loves to be by himself a lot. And being that he doesn't have any playmates in our neighborhood, I'm also worried if he might need at least one friend.

When we arrived their 4-year old daughter opened the door for us. She bowed her head as she greeted us. She's such a sweet child.

I gestured Kyong to greet her sister. But he doesn't look at her. He's preoccupied with my colored pencils, as usual. He loves twisting them and inspecting them very carefully. We just entered and made ourselves at home.

"How is Ji-ung so far? Is he giving you any trouble?" I asked Chae-ran teasingly.

"Yah! I'm not like you who causes Yeon-Su all kinds of trouble." Ji-ung arrogantly disses me.

"Oh really now?" I answered as we all laugh while eating our meal.

While Yeon-Su and Chae-ran are chatting, the kids are playing in their living room. Ji-ung and I watch over the children.

"Ung, your son does take after you. He doesn't want to be bothered. He only plays by himself with colored pencils." Ji-ung told me.

"Yeon-Su thinks so too." I answered then glanced over Yeon-Su and Chae-ran. Then I noticed how Yeon-Su looks at Kyong with a worried face. What are they talking about?

"I thought he'll at least entertain my child so she can stay put for a while. My daughter's quite the curious kid, you see." Ji-ung continued.

"Kyong, let me borrow some of your pencils." Ji-ung's daughter asks then proceeds to getting the pens from Kyong.

As soon as she does this, Kyong started throwing tantrums. He's like that. He doesn't want others to take his pens from him. I don't know if we raised him too comfortably that we might have spoiled him a little bit. But, I'm sure he'll come around as he grows up.

"He doesn't like sharing his pencils, sorry dear. Can you give it back to him?" I told Ji-ung's daughter.

Then I went close to them and tried to pat Kyong's back to make him relax. I told him, "Kyong you should learn how to share. Next time let your noona borrow some, okay?"

But as usual, he ignored me and went on to playing. I guess, he is a bit spoiled and snobby. Was I like this as a child?

"Ung, why isn't Kyong answering you?" Ji-ung asks.

"Oh he doesn't speak yet. He only calls us sometimes as omma and appa if he wants something. Oftentimes, he'd just grab us by our hands." I told him.

I suddenly had the urge to defend Kyong so I continued by saying, "He's probably a late bloomer just like me. He'll talk when he's ready. Just like my mother said, don't rush him."

Ji-ung replied, "I see. I guess my daughter was just an early talker. She was too talkative even before she turned two. In a way, you're lucky because our energies are so drained with this brat." then he pats her daughter's head.

Something inside me feels a little bit uneasy. I don't like the fact that people are questioning and comparing my child with theirs. But I know, he meant no harm from that. Still, it made me feel off.

Growing up as a child, I wasn't also very talkative. I was quiet and observant. So I know, my child could've just taken after me.

Nothing's wrong with my child.


While I'm at my office, I couldn't help but feel agitated and worried. I remember what Chae-ran had told me.

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