Beginning a New Spring

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"Yeon Su-ya, I wonder what Kyong will be when he grows up? Who do you think he'll take after?" I asked Yeon-Su as I carry the infant Kyong in my arms.

"Whatever he'll become, we'll support him. I just want him to choose whatever he wants." she answered me.

"Ofcourse. But I'd love it if we can share the same interests. So I can teach him all I know." I told her. Just imagining the thought made me feel warm inside.

"He's asleep already. Put him in his cradle so you can rest with me." Yeon-Su gestures by tapping on the bed like she's asking me to join her.

And I gently placed our baby Kyong on his cradle and lightly kissed his forehead. Goodnight, our sunshine.

I turned to Yeon-Su. She's still as beautiful as she was when I first saw her on our school gymnasium. Bright yellow light from the sun was subtly contrasting her face then. But tonight, Kyong's warm night light touches the shadows of her pretty face.

I lay beside her in our bed and leaned in for a gentle kiss on her lips. I closed my eyes and re-opened them as I pull away to look at her again. My wife is so beautiful. She gently caressed my cheeks and followed through with another warm kiss on my lips. I feel our moods begin to melt with each other as we start leaning further down the bed.

"Should we try making Kyong's sibling?" I whispered softly because Kyong might wake up.

Yeon Su just smiled at me. And nodded.


"Ung-ah..." I called for my husband.

"Ung, let Kyong play in his new room already. Come here and rest with me." I tapped the bed to gesture him to lie next to me.

We have a baby camera so we can still watch Kyong even if he's in his room that was renovated to be beside ours.

Ung's trying to play with Kyong who now apparently has a broken sleeping pattern. He's insomniac just like his father. The doctor prescribed him some melatonin but it's not as effective. The therapist told us to fix his routine by engaging him with more tasks in the morning but it was easier said than done. Especially when Ung and I are also both preoccupied during the morning.

Ung turned to look at me with a bright smile in his face. He's attractive whenever he smiles like that. Especially when I know that he smiles because he's having fun with our son. Him, becoming a father, made me love him even more.

He then sat beside me in the bed, looked me in the eye and leaned in softly for a gentle kiss. I caressed his cheek and as I saw his eyes open after pulling away, I moved forward to land an even deeper kiss on his supple lips. It made my belly warm with a feeling of tightening pit within.

After a brief moment of us melting on to each other, he whispered to my ears and said, "Just a little more, Yeobo. I'm teaching Kyong how to hold the pen properly. Also, he won't be sleeping anytime soon."

Then he stood up from the bed, sat on the floor and played with Kyong a little more.

I let out a sigh as I watch my two boys have fun. I'll let them enjoy themselves while I catch some sleep. Besides, I need to get up early in the morning to bring Kyong to his therapy. I asked our CEO to give me schedule adjustments so that I can talk to his therapist every session he has. I love bringing him there. I'm learning more about Kyong and I understand him better as we go through that process.

Raising Kyong, I've learned more how to appreciate the smallest things in life.

Kyong being able to chant colors, shapes, numbers and even alphabets. Him being able to ask us for what he wants by putting his palms up and forward. Him being able to pulls his pants down to signal his need to go to the toilet. Him being able to hold in his temper faster from unexpected changes in his usual routine. Him smiling and laughing. Everything he does, gives me hope.

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