-Prologue- part one

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"Mmm...huh?...what happned?".said the young boy he was surrounded by darkness.

"crap people are coming, gotta get a uniform while...." said an unknown voice.

"Grrr!!! The lid is too heavy"

"Time for....my secret move! Guwqaahuuh~~~~~there!".

There were flames around the young boy

"Gah!! Fire!". The boy panick

"Ok, OK. Gotta get....wah!!!...".

The boy look at the small animal who has a bow around his neck.

"Wait! Why are you awake!" It said.

"A talking r-racoon!?"the boy shriek.

"Just who are you calling a racoon!, I am the Great Grim".said Grim."Well what ever. Hey, human! Hurry and gimme those clothes!..otherwise I'll roast ya!".

"Dreaming about getting roasted by a raccoon, that's a new one!" Said the boy qs he ran away.

"I said I'm not a freaking raccoon!". Grim yelled.


The boy ran around the place until he ran to the library.

"Where the heck am I?" He said to himself.

Just as the boy try to regain his breath fire spread around the room.

"Did you think your gonna get away from my nose? Dumb human!" Said Grim as he block the entrance."if you don't want to get roasted then you better hand over-"

"Buwah!? Ow! What's with this rope?".

"Thisbis no mere rope.it is a lash of love!". Said a man with a mask and a top hat.

"Ah, found you at last . Are you one of the new students?". He ask." You shouldne do things like that. Leaving the gate on your own!".

"Not only that, you jave yet tame your familiar which has broken a number school rules".

"Let me go! I'm not their freaking familiar!". Said Grim trying to get out of the grip of the Lash.

"Sure, sure. The rebellious ones always say things like that. Just quiet down for a moment". The mask man replied.


"My goodness. It's unprecedental for a new student to leave the gate on their own". The mask man said."uuuggh...how impatient can you be, the entrance ceremony is already under well way. Let's head to the Hall Of Mirrors?".


"It's the room you woke up in all the doors, all student s who wish to attend this academy must pass through those doors to arrive here"  the Mask man explained."Normally, students wake up after the door is opened with a special key but....".

"The fire must have blown the lid off". The boy replied.

"So in the end the culprit appears to be this familiar. If your going to bring it with you you have to responsibility  and properly take care of it".

".....oh my! Now isn't  the time to be long winded. The entrance ceremony will soon come to a close. Let's move on".

"Wait! Who are you exactly?" The boy ask.

"What's this? Are you still dazed?. It appears the teleportation magic has left you disoriented....well, it's fine. It happend often enough"." I'll shall give you an explanation as we make our way there for I am gracious". The man smiled. As he walk away.

The boy soon followed after him.

The man clear his throat.

"This is Night Raven College, those magicians bless with a unique aptitude for magic  gather from all over the world. Here at the most prestigious magical academy in Twisted Wonderland". The man explained.

Twisted wonderland?

The boy looked at him confused.

"And I am the headmaster, appointed to take care of this academy by board chairman, Dire Crowley".


"Only those Magicians seen as worthy by the Dark Mirror can attend this school".Crowley explained once more."Chosen ones used the Gate and are summoned here from around the world"


"An Ebony Carriage carrying a Gate should have gone to meet you as well".

"I don't remember all I remember how I got here all I remember was I saw something dark taking me in". The boy said.

Crowley looked at him confused.

"Something dark taking you in?, hm...maybe you walked into a dark forest, the Ebony Carriage must have brought you here then. It goes to Welcome students chosen by the Dark Mirror". Crowley  replied.

"They are carriages that carry  the doors to the academy, the market decided long ago that carriages are used to welcome people on special days".Crowley explained.

"So your saying that carriage brought me on its own!?". The boy question.

"Muggamm! Muggghh!!". Grim once again trying his best to get out of the Lashes grip.

"Come. Let's go to the entrance ceremony" Crowley  said as they started to walk away.

To be continued.

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