Small Getaway

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'13 weeks down, 25 ish to go'  This served as Ginnys life motto for the past few weeks. Day by day, hour by hour, the reality began to sink in even more. Her stomach didn't feel like hers anymore, the space for her baby  was really beginning to show. 

"I'm home" Harry yelled into the house on a Thursday evening.

Ginny sighed with relief "It's about time."

Harry raised his eyebrows as he walked into the sitting room "I'm an hour early."

"Yeah, yeah." muttered Ginny. "Anyway, I've got it all sorted out."

"What?" Harry asked curiously as he sat down.

"Have I not told you?" said Ginny, cuddling up beside her husband. "We're going to the cottage in Wales with Teddy over the weekend."

Harrys heart sank, he was going golfing with George, Lee,Ron and Neville over the weekend, hadn't he told Ginny?

"It'll be so relaxing and romantic ..." She wrapped and arm around him, Beaming merrily to herself.

"Oh ...." Harry's said distantly.

"What?" quizzed Ginny "What is it?" Was Harry not excited? Ginny was, for sure, to get to go away as a family was special. But she felt as though Harry wasn't feeling it.

"I'm going golfing with the guys remember." He told her looking into her eyes.

"And ?" She questioned in annoyance.

"Well - I can't cancel" Harry muttered.

Ginny scoffed and her brow furrowed "you can't cancel don't be so ridiculous Harry of course you can just say, sorry I can't go."

"Well" Harry said With a note of finality "maybe I don't want to cancel."

"Maybe you don't want to cancel?" Ginny exclaimed "so what you'd rather leave your wife and kid to go golfing with my brothers,huh?"

"That's not what I mean?" Harry answered quickly "it's just ...."

"It's just what Harry ?! " Ginny snapped irritably  "so your just gonna leave your pregnant wife to go golfing."

"No " Harry told her.

"Well that's what it sounds like" Ginny all but snapped.

"Fine" Harry snapped back in irritation "I'll cancel since you want me to."

"I want you to" Ginny laughed in a sarcastic manner "you should cancel because you want to, not because your hormonal wife wants you too."

"Well I don't get any choice in that matter do I" Harry bellowed making Ginny stand up in tears

She threw a pillow at him furiously "fine go to your stupid golfing, I try to give you a nice surprise and you just chew it up and spit it out, you know maybe everyone's right about you!" She yellows teary eyed.

Harry stood up too and shouted "what do you mean everyone, what do they all say?"

"Your so irresponsible, any man would be a better dad than you, everyone knows it, even you know it don't you, your- your not even a good man !" Ginny screamed, and slammed the door shut running up to her bedroom.

She sat on the bed tears streaming down her beautiful face, she didn't know why she e said that to Harry, no one thought he would be a rubbish father, she thought she only said it since he was trying to get out of the lovely weekend she had planned for her small family. She didn't know how to apologise, in fact she wasn't sure she wanted to.

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