The Replacement

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"Bring Teddy first," Ginny told Harry firmly. "I want him to meet his little brother," Ginny looked down at James again, who lay still in her arms, and kissed him on the head.

Harry nodded. "Okay, I'll be back in a minute," He kissed both Ginny and James, before leaving the room.

"You're going to meet your big brother," said Ginny with a smile, cradling James carefully. "Or cousin, or best friend, he can be whatever he wants to be,"

It had only been a few hours since James was born, but from the bond that Ginny felt they had already, she felt like she had known him for an eternity, and she already couldn't picture life without him.

Ginny continued study James, taking in all of his little features, before a knock on the door broke her reverie. 

Harry slipped back into the room, with Teddy, who's eyes were bright green and hair was almost identical to Harry's, in his arms. The boy was rather fidgety and timid. Ginny would sense he was apprehensive and nervous about meeting James.

"Look Teddy," Harry told Teddy excitedly. "There's your new baby brother, James,"

"My bother?" asked Teddy in confusion, his eyebrows furrowed and eyes wide. "My bother from Ginny tummy?"

"It's him, Teddy," said Harry with a wide grin. "Would you like to meet him?"

Teddy considered this for a moment. Of course he wanted to meet him, he thought, the boy opened his mouth in order to reply. But in that moment, a new, eerie thought entered Teddy's mind. The room in which they were in became blurry, and Teddy's lip trembled, as he came to terms with the thought. What if Harry didn't want him anymore? In an instant, Teddy felt the urge to cry. In fact, tears almost came streaming down his face-- but he held it in-- he was a boy. Boys don't cry, only girls cry, he told himself fiercely, evidently forgetting the dozens of times he had cried in the past few months alone. 

Teddy was surprised and annoyed at himself for not seeing the truth, not seeing the reality of the situation beforehand. Why would Harry want him, when he had his own child to look after? He only ever cared and loved Teddy because Teddy had nobody bar his Grandmother. But now, everything had changed.

Teddy tried to push these thoughts out of his mind, but his efforts were futile, if was as if two sides of him had contrasting opinions.

"Harry loves you, Teddy. That's not going to stop now. He'll love you and James." said one voice inside Teddy's head, a soft soothing one, that made Teddy feel assured, until the second voice joined the conversation.

No Teddy,  James is Harry's real son. Harry never wanted you in the first place, now he doesn't need you. He'll always love James more than you

Harry looked at Teddy with immense curiosity during those few seconds. They were rather confused, though both assumed it was suppressed excitement. However, it was quite the opposite.

Teddy fought his way out of Harry's arms, hopping onto the floor, feeling his eyes watering up. His eyes met Harry, as he spun around on his heel. His eyes were full of rejection, fear, and sadness. He let out a hoarse scream. "NO!"

The tears came out of Teddy like water exploding from a dam, running as fast as his little legs could carry him, Teddy sprinted from the room.

Harry and Ginny met each others gaze, both looking upset and shocked. Harry nodded at her, before setting off after Teddy.

"Teddy?" Harry called into the empty corridor.

Harry found his godson in the first empty room he tried. It was a supply closet, having all sorts of cleaning utensils on shelves. Teddy sat between two large metal buckets. He was whimpering loudly, his mousy grey hair buried in his black trousers.

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