It's a .......

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A/N - if there are any mistakes when Teddy speaks, it is because he is a baby and well- can't really speak that well.

Chapter 14:

As the days passed, the thought of being pregnant for Ginny was becoming more and more real for herself and everyone around her, at 17 weeks pregnant it was evident that she was pregnant to those who didn't know, her usually slim and small body frame, had a big bulge or lump below her breasts sticking out- the baby.

A couple days ago, Ginny would anxiously read the usual pregnancy book she had been reading. She continued to read over same paragraphs again and again, 'any day now' she constantly thought to herself, of course she meant the quickening. Her book told her -

"You should feel your baby's first movements, called "quickening," between weeks 16 and 25 of your pregnancy. If this is your first pregnancy, you may not feel your baby move until closer to 25 weeks. By the second pregnancy, some women start to feel movements as early as 13 weeks."

Ginny had been desperate to feel the baby, and even more so before her appointment next week at which she should be told what the gender of her baby will be. She would forever savour the moment she told her husband the news.

"Harry!" Ginny called excitedly, from a chair in the living room, her hand rested firmly on her stomach, a grin a mile wide stretched upon her face happily. "Quick quick" she exclaimed. Her heart was racing, she felt the baby!

Even though she was fully aware that she was pregnant, it suddenly all became more of a reality, there is a little tiny human being living inside you! And that felt crazy for her.

Harry ran down the stairs as quick as he could, unsure about whether or not she was okay, he panted a little as he reached the door and then smiled at her "yeah,Gin."

"I felt our baby!" She exclaimed as she jumped into his arms and kissed him,passionately.

"Really?" Harry asked with excitement, her spirited over to her as fast as he possibly could. He put his hand down on her stomach. "Where?"

"You won't be able to feel it yet." Ginny told him sadly. " you won't be able to feel until I'm about 28 weeks in."

"That's in eleven weeks!" Harry exclaimed, and Ginny just smiled at him.

"I know, love." She kissed him. "But it will be worth it, believe me."

Now Ginny sat in her pyjamas with Hermione, on a Monday morning, eager to go out and do something. They had arranged to go out for some lunch at the Leaky Cauldron, just to chat, Harry and Ron's jobs involved long hours, while Hermione's was more free.

" Just let me get dressed." Ginny told her, mid way through their conversation, she rushed up the stairs and into her bedroom. As she entered the room, she felt a shock of pain shoot up her body. It started in her thigh, and went up her back. "OW!" She shrieked in pain, and she froze in place. She rested her hands on where it started, and gently rubbed. She put herself on her and Harry's bed and her face when red in pain.
At this, it happened again. "Owie!" Ginny shrieked again. Ginny heard Hermione rush up the stairs and then enter the bedroom.

"Ginny, where are you?" Hermione asked as she panted.

"Room," Ginny whimpered. Ginny soon saw Hermione entered the bedroom.

"Are you alright?" Hermione looked worried, and Ginny just shook her head.

"My back," Ginny told her.. "It hurts so bad."

"Oh Ginny, I'm so sorry." Hermione sympathized. "Do you still want to go to lunch?"

"Yeah," Ginny assured her. "I'm sure I'll be fine." Ginny grabbed a pair of pants, and slipped into them, and then put on a red shirt.

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